§ 3.08. Open burning allowed without county permit.
Unless prohibited by other agencies exercising jurisdiction over open burning, the following types of fires are allowed in Manatee County without an open burn permit:
A barbecue grill fire will be allowed if used solely for the preparation of food, provided that a grate is maintained over the fire, excessive visible emissions are not generated, and only approved materials (per Rule 62-256.200(5), F.A.C.) are burned.
A camp fire will be allowed, if permitted by the local fire district exercising jurisdiction over the proposed camp fire location, for outdoor noncommercial food preparation, or on cold days for warming of outdoor workers, provided that excessive visible emissions are not generated, and only approved materials are burned.
A natural disaster emergency burn will be approved by the director in accordance with Rule 62-256.600(1), F.A.C., when it is deemed necessary by the FDEP.
Fires to abate a fire hazard may be allowed, providing a hazard is declared by the local fire district or DOF, and the fire could not have been classified as a fire department training burn.
Fires for the prevention or control of disease or pests may be approved by the director or DOF, the local law enforcement agency or fire district.
Agricultural and silvicultural fires or rural land clearing operations, including range burning, which have received a burn authorization from the DOF. The appropriate fire district shall be notified prior to initiation of burning.
For all open burning that does not require a Manatee County open burning permit, the local fire district must be notified the day the burning is to be conducted except in the case of barbecue grill fires, or a natural disaster emergency burn.
(Regs. of 9-29-93; Ord. No. 96-23, § VIII, 6-25-96)