Manatee County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-29-83. Definitions.
For the purposes of this division solely, the definitions of the following words and phrases shall apply, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
Ancillary facilities means buildings, capital equipment, sites, and site improvements necessary to provide support services to educational programs (e.g., facilities as vehicle maintenance, warehouses, maintenance or administrative buildings) not located at school plants.
Applicant means that person or entity applying for residential development permit approval.
Auxiliary facilities means those portions of a school plant which are not designated for student usage.
Building permit means the official document or certification issued by a municipality or by the county authorizing the commencement of construction of a building or structure.
Capital costs means costs incurred to provide additional public facilities capacity needed to serve new growth and development for planning, design and construction, land acquisition, land improvement, design and engineering related thereto, including the cost of constructing or reconstructing system improvements or educational facility expansions. Capital costs also includes the payment of principal, interest, and finance costs, and provide necessary revenues related to bonds, certificates of participation in lease-purchase programs, or other indebtedness issued by or on account of the school board to fund improvements to the district's educational facilities otherwise eligible for funding under section 2-29-89 hereof.
Capital equipment means equipment, with an expected use life of five (5) years or more.
Capital improvements means educational facilities and capital equipment which increase the capacity of the school system.
Certificate of occupancy means the document issued by the building official of a municipality or by the county, allowing the occupancy or use of a building and certifying that the structure or use has been constructed in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
Collecting government means the county unless a municipality has entered into an interlocal agreement with the school board and the county to collect education impact fees itself, in which case the collecting government shall be that municipality.
County means the County of Manatee, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.
County Commission means the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners.
District means the Manatee School District.
Duplex means any residential building which is surrounded by open space or yards on a single lot and contains two (2) dwelling units.
Dwelling unit means a building structure, or a portion thereof, which is designed or used for residential occupancy, which consists of one or more rooms, and which is arranged, designed or used as living quarters.
Educational facilities means the land, site improvement, building, furniture and capital equipment that are constructed, installed, purchased or established for School Board owned school plants and ancillary facilities.
Educational facilities impact fee report means the report, entitled "Manatee County School Impact Fee Study" dated November 3, 2015, prepared by TischlerBise.
Feepayer means a person commencing a land development activity in Manatee County, under the land development jurisdiction of the county or a municipality in Manatee County.
Impact fee means the fee imposed under section 2-29-85 of this division.
Impact fee receipt means the document acknowledging payment of the proper impact fee issued to a feepayer prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Land development activity means any change in land use or any construction or installation of a dwelling unit, or any change in the use of any structure that may result in additional students in the public schools of the district.
Mobile home means a "manufactured home" or "park model" vehicle, which are placed on a lot and intended to be used for continuous residential occupancy.
Multifamily dwelling unit means a dwelling unit which is attached to two or more dwelling units located on a single lot or parcel in the same structure, including apartments and attached condominiums. The category of "All Other Residential," as set forth in section 2-29-85, includes multifamily units.
Municipalities means the municipalities of Bradenton, Palmetto, Anna Maria, Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, the Town of Longboat Key, and any municipality that is hereafter incorporated within Manatee County, Florida.
New dwelling unit means a dwelling unit for which a residential development permit application has been received by Manatee County or a municipality after the effective date of this division.
Public schools means all educational facilities for prekindergarten and kindergarten classes; elementary and secondary school classes and special classes, including adult, part-time, vocational and evening schools, courses, or classes, operated under the control of the school board.
Residential development permit means a building permit for the construction or addition of a residential dwelling unit. For the purposes of this division, the construction or addition of a residential unit shall include the installation of a mobile home.
School board means the School Board of Manatee County.
School plant means the land, building, furnishings, equipment and site improvements which are necessary to accommodate students, faculty, administrators, staff and the activities of the educational programs and services for each student and includes auxiliary facilities.
Single-family means one dwelling unit, whether attached or detached, located on one lot, but does not include townhouses. This definition includes single-family detached and attached dwelling units.
Structure means any combination of materials used to form a construction for use, occupancy, or ornamentation whether installed on, above, or below the surface of land or water.
Superintendent means the superintendent appointed by the School Board of Manatee County.
Townhouses means three or more dwelling units, located on separate adjoining lots, which are joined to each other in a group by a common party wall, floor, ceiling and/or connecting permanent structure.
(Ord. No. 16-03, § 3(Exh. A), 1-7-16, eff. 4-18-16)