§ 2-31-251. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless otherwise specifically provided:


    Approved backflow prevention assembly. Same meaning as defined in section 2-31-301, Manatee County Code of Ordinances.


    AWWA. American Water Works Association.


    Board. The board of county commissioners of Manatee County, Florida.


    Common areas. Real property within a residential or commercial development which is owned, leased, used, or maintained by or for the benefit of a property owners association or group of property owners or occupants.


    Connection fee. The fee established for connection of the county's distribution/collection/metering system to the customer's property line.


    Consumption, quantity, or flow charge. The cost of treating and distributing potable water or reclaimed water or the cost of collecting and treating wastewater for reuse and/or disposal of wastewater residuals.


    Contract. A written legally executed agreement binding two (2) or more parties to certain terms and conditions.


    County. Manatee County, Florida.


    County administrator. The administrator of the county or the county administrator's designee.


    Cross-connection. Same meaning as defined in section 2-31-301, Manatee County Code of Ordinances.




    Retail: The property owner, the owner as recorded on the county ad valorem tax rolls, renter, or lessee that is responsible for all fees and charges for potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service.


    Wholesale: The municipal or county government purchasing potable water for resale or supplying wastewater for treatment.


    Customer base charge. A service charge made up of debt service associated with the system capacity required to supply service and other fixed costs such as payment in lieu of taxes and/or franchise fees.


    Cut-in tee. The process of installing a same sized outlet in an existing pressurized potable water line, reclaimed water line, or wastewater force main line for the purpose of connecting a new same sized distribution line, service line, fire line, fire hydrant line, potable water line, reclaimed water line, or wastewater line. This process requires a shut-off of the existing pressurized line.


    Deduct meter. A meter downstream of a master meter or other meter in which usage is subtracted from the master meter for billing purposes.


    Delinquent. Any account past due or not paid within twenty-one (21) days after the billing date.


    Direct connection. Use of potable water by contractors during construction of new residential, single-family dwelling units through unmetered connection to potable water distribution lines.


    Dwelling unit. One or more rooms in a residential or commercial building which are used or intended for use as a living facility for no more than one family and generally including provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and/or sanitation.


    Estimated usage. An estimate based on best available data and relative time period in the event a meter reading is not available or does not accurately measure actual consumption or usage of potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater.


    Existing structure. Any structure for which a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy has been issued.


    Flag lot. A parcel of property shaped like a flag, with a narrow strip of property providing vehicular and pedestrian access to a road and the bulk of the property containing no road frontage.


    Governmental entity. Any federal, state, regional, district, local, county, or municipal board, commission, agency, or other unit of government created or established by law, charter, or ordinance.


    Irrigation meter. A potable water or reclaimed water meter used exclusively for irrigation.


    Line extension fee. The fee calculated as the customer's share of the capital cost for extending local distribution/collection lines from the treatment/transmission system to the customer's point of connection where such local distribution/collection lines were not extended and paid for by a private developer.


    Line fee. The fee established as the customer's share of the capital cost for providing existing local distribution/collection lines from the treatment/transmission system to the customer's point of connection where such local distribution/collection lines were not provided and paid for by a private developer.


    MARS. Manatee Agricultural Reuse Supply.


    Master meter. A single meter serving two (2) or more units within a facility such as but not limited to a multifamily residential or a multiunit commercial facility. This includes, without limitation, subdivisions, duplexes, condominiums, apartments, mobile home parks, travel trailer parks, hotels, motels, shopping centers, and office buildings.


    Master meter units. The number of units served by a master meter. This includes individual dwelling or commercial units and common recreation or service units, such as swimming pools with sanitary facilities, laundry rooms, recreational halls, and offices with or without sanitary facilities. Units which are individually metered by the county are not included in the unit count for a master meter.


    Meter tampering. Interfering with, damaging, or bypassing a potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater meter or service equipment, or any other action which affects the proper registration of potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater through the meter.


    MGD. Million gallons per day.


    Potable water. Water of sufficiently high quality that can be consumed.


    Private lines. Potable water or reclaimed water distribution lines or wastewater collection lines which are located beyond master meters or service connections and which are not owned or maintained by the county. This definition does not apply to wholesale customers.


    Private systems. Potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater systems which are located beyond master meters or service connections and which are not owned or maintained by the county. This definition does not apply to wholesale customers.


    Property. Improved or unimproved real property.


    Radio frequency meter. A meter read by means of radio frequency.


    Raw water. Untreated water.


    Reclaimed water. Water that has received at least advanced secondary treatment and is reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility.


    Reserve capacity. A portion of the total capacity of the potable water or wastewater system which, through payment of an appropriate fee, has been or will be set aside for the exclusive use of the customer.


    Shut-off. The process of isolating a section of the potable water system, reclaimed water system, or wastewater system for the purpose of depressurizing a transmission line, distribution line, or force main line.


    Split parcel. A parcel of property split off from another parcel.


    SWFWMD. Southwest Florida Water Management District.


    Temporary use meter. A meter designated for temporary use and not assigned to a site specific locations. A temporary use meter shall not be installed or used for permanent service.


    Turn-off. Action taken at the meter to discontinue service to premises for reasons that include, but are not limited to, delinquency, closed account, meter tampering, or unauthorized use.


    Unauthorized use. Theft or fraud of utility service, or diversion or restoration of potable water, reclaimed water, or wastewater service by any person other than a county employee, agent, or representative.


    User. The owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, or other person, business, or corporation receiving potable water, reclaimed water, and/or wastewater service.


    Well credit. The volume of water permitted by SWFWMD to be pumped from a groundwater well which is transferred to the county under the SWFWMD Water Use Permit Program.


    Well credit transferor. A permit holder who transfers any permitted groundwater withdrawal quantities to the county in exchange for reclaimed water under the SWFWMD Water Use Permit Program or other contractual agreement which is acceptable to SWFWMD and the board.


    Wet tap. The process of installing a smaller sized outlet in an existing pressurized potable water line, reclaimed water line, or wastewater force main line for the purpose of connecting a new smaller sized distribution line, service line, fire line, fire hydrant line, potable water line, reclaimed water line, or wastewater line. This process requires the use of specialized tapping equipment and fittings.

(Ord. No. 07-62, § 1, 8-7-07; Ord. No. 10-69, § 1, 11-9-10; Ord. No. 14-09, § 1, 1-29-14)