Objective 10.1.4. - Level of Service Standards.  

Latest version.
  • Maintenance of adopted Level of Service standards, and meeting existing and future facility needs by coordinating land use decisions with a schedule of capital improvements.

    Policy Require that all public facilities constructed in unincorporated Manatee County, and using County funds, are consistent with the Capital Improvements Element.

    Policy Require public facilities and services needed to support development to be available concurrent with the impacts of development approved by Manatee County and requiring issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance. "Concurrent" shall mean that all adopted Level of Service Standards be maintained during and following the development of all such projects, or be achieved within a reasonable time frame, as provided for and defined within this Comprehensive Plan. Where issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance is based (in part or in total) on completion of a capital improvement schedule beyond the current and second year's capital budget, funding of any such improvement shall be guaranteed by Manatee County and/or by the project's developer through an enforceable development agreement adopted at time of issuance of the development order or an infrastructure assessment district or similar mechanism. Where an enforceable development agreement or an infrastructure assessment district or similar mechanism is not utilized to ensure the availability of a public facility, then any improvement, then any improvement not funded in Manatee County's current and second year's capital improvement or following schedule shall either be:

    • The subject of a binding executed contract for the construction of the facilities at the time the Certificate of Level of Service Compliance is issued; or

    • Required as a condition of the Certificate of Level of Service Compliance which would preclude the establishment of vested rights for a project, and would preclude the issuance of any building permit on the project or project phase, until the improvement is constructed or until a binding contract or agreement for construction of the facility is available at time of the issuance of the building permit. This procedure shall be used where any improvement to be implemented by the Florida Department of Transportation outside the current and second fiscal years is used as a basis for issuing a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance.

    The Certificate of Level of Service Compliance for a project or project phase (See Objective 2.4.1 of the Future Land Use Element) shall comprise the major component of Manatee County's Concurrency Management System. Other components of this Concurrency Management System include:

    • The Growth Management public meeting process which serves to structure Manatee County's response to changing infrastructure needs to ensure effective capital improvements programming.

    • The capital projects list (Table 10-1) contained in this element that identifies the capital improvements necessary to address existing deficiencies and new growth needs in major public facilities.

    • The capital projects funds (CPFs), funding package more completely described in policy

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Land Development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., so as to guarantee compliance with this policy.

    Policy The Traffic Sub-Element of the Comprehensive Plan identifies a long range transportation plan that is intended to provide for traffic circulation within Manatee County over a 20-year planning period. The Traffic Map Series (Maps 5-B, 5-C and 5-D) includes future roadways that are necessary to support a future urbanized areas within the Urban Service Area.