Objective 10.1.6. - Capital Improvements Program and Funding.
Programming and funding of capital projects consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map, to maintain adopted Level of Service Standards, and to meet other public facility needs not dictated by Level of Service Standards.
Policy Ensure the public sector's implementation of the Comprehensive Plan by the timely and efficient provision of the public facilities.
Policy Establish an annual Capital Improvements Element review process, with appropriate citizen participation, to:
Document recent development activity in Manatee County and identify additional capital improvement needs generated by this development activity.
Evaluate current levels of service for each public facility type.
Adjust population and employment projections to re-evaluate locational needs and adjust public facility needs as necessary.
Modify the capital improvement project list (Table 10-1) based on the annual review.
Identify and eliminate, where feasible, public hazards resulting from public facility inadequacies.
This review process may be conducted simultaneous with the annual Growth Management Public Meeting process identified in Policy above.
Policy Fund the completion of all capital improvements identified in Table 10-1, within the time frames specified in Table 10-1. The timing of capital improvements shown in Table 10-1 may be altered for reasons beyond the control of Manatee County (e.g., delays in right-of-way acquisition for roadway improvements). A shortfall in locally-generated revenues shall not constitute an appropriate reason for delaying or canceling the implementation of capital projects shown in Table 10-1, unless the shortfall is associated with inaccurate projections of revenues due to factors other than elective actions on the part of Manatee County.
Implementation Mechanism:
Financial Management Department's annual capital improvements program and budget consistent with Table 10-1.
Policy Establish in this Comprehensive Plan, for the purpose of funding part or all of certain capital improvements shown on Table 10-1, appropriate Capital Projects Funds (CPFs). These CPFs shall be comprised of a variety of alternative funding sources, existing or potential, from which appropriate capital project funding shall be derived. Manatee County shall annually consider alternative funding sources contained in the CPFs, and those alternative sources of funding not specifically listed in the CPFs, and select appropriate funding strategies so as to guarantee the availability of funding for projects shown in Table 10-1. Minimum components of the CPFs are identified in Table 10-5.
Implementation Mechanism:
Annual development of the capital improvements program and budget for that fiscal year, including decision making by the Board of County Commissioners on alternative funding packages for capital improvements.
Policy Utilize additional ad valorem millage as the revenue source of last resort to fund items shown on Table 10-1 as being funded using the CPFs. However, Manatee County shall adjust ad valorem millage on an annual basis so as to obtain funding for capital projects shown in Table 10-1, where no other revenues are available for funding these capital projects.
Policy Adequately address funding for major public facility needs not related to maintaining an adopted Level of Service Standard. These needs shall be addressed annually during the update of this Capital Improvements Element by identifying the cost of such facilities and providing for appropriate funding to meet any such costs.
Implementation Mechanism:
Preparation by the Financial Management Department of an annual capital improvements program and budget consistent with public facility needs.