Objective 12.1.2. - Coordinate to Ensure Future School Sites are Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Growth and Development Patterns.  

Latest version.
  • Policy Manatee County shall coordinate with the School Board to pursue the development of mutually acceptable guidelines for the selection of future school sites including but not limited to:

    • Acquisition of school sites which allow for future expansions to accommodate future enrollment and other facility needs deemed beneficial for joint-uses.

    • Coordination of the location, phasing, and development of future school sites to ensure that site development occurs in conjunction with the provision of infrastructure to serve the school facility.

    • Identification of appropriate and inappropriate land use categories.

    Policy The School Board and Manatee County shall coordinate to ensure that proposed public school facility sites are consistent with the applicable land use designations of the Comprehensive Plan, as well as the appropriate Land Development regulations.

    Policy School sites shall be permissible in all future land use categories except conservation, preservation, or heavy industrial. Public Educational Facilities may be allowed in heavy industrial, conservation and preservation future land use categories at the discretion of Manatee County Government.

(Ord. No. 17-13 , § 3, 9-3-17)