Objective 12.3.3. - Develop and Operate School Facilities to Serve the Greater Community by Encouraging the Potential for Joint/Shared Use.
Policy Establish mechanisms to ensure the consideration of joint/shared use of facilities to the greatest extent possible.
Policy Manatee County shall consider the feasibility of joint/shared use facilities in conjunction with the preliminary finding of consistency pursuant § 1013.33, F.S.
Policy Where feasible, parks shall be co-located with all elementary, middle and high schools, considering any adopted design template.
Policy Development proposals incorporating school facilities shall be evaluated to determine the feasibility of co-location of stormwater and other infrastructure facilities.
Policy When considering the acquisition and establishment of public facilities such as parks, libraries and community centers, Manatee County shall, to the greatest extent possible, select a location and/or design the facility in such a way that collocation of the facility with a public school is either achieved with an existing public school, or that the facility can be retrofitted for collocation with a future public school.
Policy Coordinate with the School Board to continue and expand shared use and co-location of school sites and Manatee County facilities with similar needs, where appropriate, in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement.