Objective 12.4.1. - Participation by All Local Governments and the School Board of Manatee County in the County Emergency Preparedness System.

Latest version.
  • Policy All local governments and the School Board of Manatee County shall be part of the formal ESF (Emergency Support Function)/ICS (Incident Command System) system for emergency response.

    Policy Manatee County shall include all local governments and the School Board at all disaster preparedness activities.

    Policy All local governments and the School Board shall continue collaborative efforts in the management of special needs shelters, and transport and tracking of citizens during evacuations.

    Policy Manatee County and the School Board shall work collaboratively in shuttering and retrofitting schools and public buildings for sheltering, greater sustainability, and continuity of operations.

    Policy Manatee County shall continue coordination of shelter management throughout Manatee County, recognizing the importance of schools to the shelter system.

    Policy All local governments and the School Board shall partner in disaster drills as necessary to ensure community readiness.

    Policy All local governments and the School Board shall promote coordination in disaster planning efforts to ensure collaborative processes rather than competing plans.