Objective 12.5.2. - Establish Coordinated Concurrency Service Areas which Provide for Effective Analysis and Planning.  

Latest version.
  • Policy Manatee County shall adopt School Service Areas a part of their land development regulations.

    Policy The School Board and Manatee County shall consider the following criteria and standards when establishing and modifying School Service Areas:

    • Achievement and Maintenance of Level of Service Standards adopted in Policy above;

    • Maximizing utilization of school capacity;

    • Transportation costs;

    • Court-approved desegregation plans;

    • Relationship to School Attendance zones;

    • Anticipated demand and student generation based upon proposed or approved Residential Development;

    • Patterns of Development pursuant to Adopted Comprehensive Plans;

    • Capital Projects included in the School Capacity Program;

    • Neighborhoods;

    • Natural and manmade boundaries, including water ways, arterial roadways and political boundaries; and

    • Such other relevant matters as are mutually agreed to by the parties of the Interlocal Agreement.