Objective 2.10.1. - Commercial Project Design/Location.  

Latest version.
  • Improved design and location of commercial development.

    Policy Encourage the development of new commercial uses as "infill" development and discourage the "expansion" of existing commercial areas not meeting commercial locational criteria contained in Objective 2.10.4.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County review of proposed commercial development which does not meet commercial locational criteria, for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Promote the development of commercial uses in nodes, and discourage scattered, incremental commercial development.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County review of proposed commercial development for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Encourage development projects that functionally mix residential and commercial (retail/office) uses, either vertically or horizontally.

    Policy Allow DRI's and Large Project developments that meet commercial locational criteria or have a future land use category that allows for commercial square footage, the option of reallocating commercial square footage internally within neighborhoods if the following criteria is met:


    Must have a mixed use with a residential component.


    Must meet minimum development characteristics such as greater internal automobile trip capture, increased pedestrian and bike routes facilities, architectural design criteria which reinforces pedestrian scale and orientation and built on a neighborhood scale.

    Such neighborhoods will promote diversity of uses, while not promoting strip commercial development. Commercial uses located internally to neighborhoods shall be limited to (medium) commercial uses.

(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)