Objective 2.10.3. - Required Access to Commercial Uses.
Adequate, safe and appropriate access to new commercial uses is required.
Policy Require that access to commercial uses be established on at least one (1) roadway classified as a collector or higher and operating at, or better than, the adopted level of service. Access through single family residential neighborhoods shall not be allowed. An exception shall be made for projects on roadways under the State jurisdiction not allowing access from such road, and for projects that are approved with commercial uses located internally to the project and whose main project access is located on a road designated as a collector or higher.
Implementation Mechanism:
Review of level of service and generalized roadway function for roadways from which access to a commercial project is proposed.
Policy Reserved.
Policy Require that all proposed large commercial uses exceeding one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet be located within an area of high access and directly accessed from at least one (1) roadway shown on the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map (Map 5A) as arterial. High access locations should provide numerous options for trip distribution, provide for multi-modal opportunities and be able to move large volume of traffic. Furthermore, require that all access points be limited to functionally classified roadways or frontage roads:
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Manatee County review of proposed development orders for commercial uses for compliance with this policy.
Maintain regulations in the Land Development Code to implement this policy.
Policy Permit exceptions to Policies and only in instances where required access criteria are conflicting with other access criteria associated with an Entranceway, as described in Policies and and in Urban Core Areas where access on a local road provides a safer alternative than direct access to the functionally classified roadway, or within the MU-C Future Land Use Category and its Sub Areas.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)