Objective 2.11.1. - Diversity.
Provide land suitable for development of a diverse industrial and employment base.
Policy Provide for a wide range of employment-oriented uses within the industrial categories on the Future Land Use Map by permitting consideration of office uses, warehouse/distribution uses, office/showroom uses, wholesale uses, intensive commercial uses, research uses, limited neighborhood retail uses, and lodging places, in addition to manufacturing processing, and assembly uses within the Industrial-Light category. Also, to permit a more limited, but diverse range of uses in the Industrial-Heavy, Industrial-Urban, and Mixed Use categories. (See also Objective 2.6.3 and associated policies.)
Policy Permit the development of office uses or mixed office/traditional industrial uses within all categories permitting industrial development to accommodate projected increases in industrial, and service employment.
Policy Provide for Industrial and Mixed Use designations in a variety of geographic locations, containing a range of raw land values, with a variety of road and rail access scenarios, and with a variety of property ownership scenarios to accommodate a broad range of end-user requirements with regard to per-unit costs, size of parcel, context of parcel (i.e., freestanding or within an improved industrial/office park setting), level of road or rail access, level of required visibility or image, and need for proximate support, or related, industries.
Policy Permit the consideration of all new mineral resource extraction activities that are regulated by the Manatee County Mining Ordinance, as amended, only within the Agriculture/Rural designation on the Future Land Use Map.
Policy Prohibit the development of any industrial use within any residential designation.