Objective 2.1.1. - Mapping Methodology for the Future Land Use Map.
Follow a mapping methodology limiting urban sprawl which recognizes existing development; projected growth areas; projected population and employment growth; and a possible development density and intensity less than the maximum specified on the Future Land Use Map. (See also all policies under Objective 2.6.1.)
Policy Maintain the Future Land Use Map with reserve capacity to accommodate the projected population and employment base through 2040.
Policy Designate on the Future Land Use Map land within existing developed areas at densities and intensities which are compatible with the existing development.
Policy Designate on the Future Land Use Map, land within currently undeveloped growth areas at densities and intensities which permit significant increases over current land use designations without creating urban sprawl.
Implementation Mechanism:
County review of all proposed plan amendments.
Policy Promote development in currently undeveloped areas which have the greatest level of public facility availability and investment.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Future Land Use Map indicating nodal concentrations of intensity at or surrounding interstate interchanges where public facilities are available.
Designation of infill areas on the Future Land Use Map west of I-75 in Manatee County at a density/intensity compatible with existing development.
Implementation of adopted levels of service during development order review to facilitate proper timing of new development in relationship to public facility adequacy and availability.
Policy Ensure the availability of sufficient land area for the location of appropriately sited public and private utility facilities. Consider amendments to the Future Land Use Map to the P/SP (1) category to allow development of major public or semi-public uses (e.g., electrical generation facilities operating at a threshold above that as specified in § 403.506, F.S., as may be amended, electrical transmission lines equal to or greater than 240KV) in appropriate areas when compatible with surrounding development. Encourage the development and use of local renewable energy resources and alternative energy generation facilities.
Policy Manatee County shall encourage growth, infill and redevelopment to concentrate within the Urban Service Area (see Map K), recognizing the various character districts identified in the Character Vision Graphic (Map L).
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-17 , § 4(Exh. B), 6-7-18; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)