Objective 2.1.2. - Geographic Extent of Future Development.
Limit urban sprawl by accommodating future development consistent with the adopted Land Use Concept Map (Map N). All development, unless exempted by Policy, shall be directed to the area west of the Future Development Area Boundary (FDAB) thereby, preserving agriculture as the primary land use east of the FDAB through 2040.
Policy Provide opportunities for, and allow, new residential, and nonresidential development to occur at locations defined as appropriate in the Adopted Land Use Concept Map and the established Mapping Methodology policies contained in this Element.
Policy Limit urban sprawl by prohibiting all future development in the area east of the established FDAB (see Map N and the Potable Water/Wastewater Service Areas Map in the Wastewater Sub Element), except as follows:
Small commercial development providing for the needs of the agricultural community,
Agricultural and industrial development where associated with approved mining operations,
Residential development in excess of 0.2 du/ga for the following:
Farm worker housing;
Residential within Myakka City;
Legal lots of record prior to May 15, 1989;
Redevelopment per policy; and
Cluster development intended for the protection of open space and/or agricultural operations. Such cluster development is subject to the site's future land use category restrictions and the standards adopted in the Land Development Code.
Plan amendments resulting from a change in the Future Land Use Concept Map.
Such uses shall be allowed, only if developed consistent with all Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Comprehensive Plan.
Implementation Mechanism:
County review of all proposed plan amendments and development requests.
Policy Permit the consideration of new residential and nonresidential development with characteristics compatible with existing development, in areas which are internal to, or are contiguous expansions of existing development, and compatible with future areas of development.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Designation of maximum allowable densities on the Future Land Use Map to permit consistent and compatible residential development on vacant areas within and adjacent to existing residential areas.
Designation of nonresidential categories on the Future Land Use Map to permit compatible nonresidential development on vacant areas within and, where appropriate, adjacent to existing nonresidential development.
Policy Limit urban sprawl through the consideration of new development and redevelopment, when deemed compatible with existing and future development, in areas which are internal to, or are contiguous expansions of the built environment.
Policy Permit the consideration of new residential and nonresidential development in areas which are currently undeveloped, which are suitable for new residential or nonresidential uses.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Designation of maximum allowable residential densities on the Future Land Use Map which would encourage transition in densities proximate to existing residential areas, and which are conducive to a wide range of residential uses in areas established for new residential development. Such areas will also serve as alternative locations to those residential areas described in Policy
Designation of a variety of future nonresidential areas on the Future Land Use Map at locations conducive to the development of a variety of employment generators. Such areas will serve as alternative locations to those future nonresidential areas described in Policy
Policy Limit urban sprawl through the consideration of new development, when deemed compatible with future growth, in areas which are currently undeveloped yet suitable for improvements.
Policy Review all proposed development for compatibility and appropriate timing of development. This analysis shall include the following:
• Consideration of existing development patterns;
• Types of land uses;
• Transition between land uses;
• Density and intensity of land uses;
• Natural features;
• Approved development in the area;
• Availability of adequate roadways;
• Adequate centralized water and sewer facilities;
• Other necessary infrastructure and services;
• Limiting urban sprawl;
• Applicable specific area plans;
• (See also policies under Objectives 2.6.1—2.6.3).
Implementation Mechanism(s):
County review of all plan amendments and development proposals for consistency with this policy.
Placement of stipulations, as necessary on development applications to ensure policy compliance.
Adoption of provisions in the LDC to ensure development compatibility and appropriate timing of development.
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)