Objective 2.1.3. - Revitalization of the Urban Core and Urban Service Areas.
Limit urban sprawl by encouraging infill and redevelopment of residential, nonresidential and mixed use developments in the urban core and urban service areas, thereby encouraging the continued vitality and economic prosperity of these areas.
Policy Consider the establishment of minimum density requirements within the urban core area, in association with planning efforts for increased mobility through greater street connectivity and transit services. This effort shall respect the Comprehensive Plan policy structure to limit density within vulnerable coastal areas.
Policy Continue using development standards that would permit multi-story mixed-use development in the urban service area.
Policy Maintain and enforce urban development design criteria applicable to the commercial corridors within the Urban Core and Urban Service Areas.
Policy Continue to work with the Manatee Sheriff's Office to understand and reduce criminal activity within the urban area.
Policy Continue to fund infrastructure needs within the urban area.
Policy Continue to implement innovative funding mechanisms to meet community needs.
Policy Continue to leverage funds from the Community Development Block Grant Program and the Southwest County Tax Increment Finance district to implement redevelopment plans.
Policy Continue to develop and implement specific Community Improvement Plans for neighborhoods within the urban area.
Policy Continue to identify needs and coordinate improvement activities in neighborhoods throughout the urban area.
Policy Encourage projects within the established TCEAs to mitigate transportation impacts with multi-modal and design alternatives.
Policy Establish a mechanism to track the transportation impacts from projects located within the Urban Infill Redevelopment Area to facilitate additional public transit and other alternative transportation modes serving those areas.
Implementation Mechanism:
Adopt provisions in the Land Development Code and Administrative Procedures.
Policy Continue offering the following incentives for development along the Urban Corridors in the unincorporated part of the Urban Core Area:
Expedited development review and permitting approvals through a process tailored for the designated areas.
Density/intensity bonuses.
Transit access provision.
Targeted infrastructure.
Public/private partnerships.
Parcel assembly support.
Implementation Mechanism:
Monitor the LDC to ensure continued implementation of this policy.
(Ord. No. 16-7, § 5(Exh. C), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)