Objective 2.3.1. - Clustering and Density/Intensity Transfers to Preserve Natural Resources.  

Latest version.
  • Promote the clustering of uses and the transfer of density/intensity to:

    • Protect sensitive environments while preserving development potential;

    • Decrease impervious surface in important groundwater recharge areas;

    • Decrease runoff to potable water reservoirs;

    • Limit development in areas subject to natural disasters which may cause damage to life and/or property;

    • Preserve endangered and threatened species;

    • Preserve open areas to increase light, air, and quality of life;

    • Decrease development costs by limiting infrastructure; and

    • Decrease maintenance costs for new infrastructure. [See also Policy]

    Policy Permit the transfer of density or intensity from undisturbed jurisdictional wetlands and associated buffers to upland portions of the same project site. Such transfer shall be limited to wetland acreage less than or equal to twenty (20) percent of total gross project acreage. The developments will still be subject to:

    • Limitations on gross and net density and floor area ratio as established for each land use category, and

    • Compliance with other goals, objectives, and policies, and applicable land development regulations.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintain Land Development Code provisions to ensure compliance with this policy.

    Policy Minimize the alteration or relocation of any perennial lake or stream by allowing the clustering of density/intensity away from the water body and the floodplain onto upland portions of the same site. Any alteration or relocation of a perennial lake or stream requires a finding of overriding public interest by the Board of County Commissioners.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Establish minimum lot sizes and clustering standards in the LDC.


    Require Board approval of a site plan that proposes to alter or relocate a perennial lake or stream for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Promote the transfer of density or intensity from environmentally significant uplands, such as habitat for endangered and threatened species to other areas of the development site.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Establish clustering development standards in the LDC.

    Policy Prohibit the transfer of density/intensity from property located outside of the Watershed Overlay District to property located within this district, unless a finding of overriding public interest is determined by the Board of County Commissioners.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Board review of site plan for projects that propose to transfer density into the portion of the site located within the WO district for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Promote the clustering of uses by waiving net densities within the WO District where clustering effectively reduces the percentage of impervious surface within the WO District.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Establish clustering development standards in the LDC.

(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)