Objective 2.3.4. - Land Use Consistent with Watershed Protection.  

Latest version.
  • Limit land use in the Lake Manatee, Evers Reservoir, and Peace River WO Districts to maintain and improve water quality and the natural environment and resources within those watersheds which contribute to filtration.

    Policy Prohibit any new development which does not meet all applicable requirements in Policies,, and

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Establish regulations in the Land Development Code to implement this policy.

    Policy Require that impervious surface within the Watershed Overlay District be minimized through the use of one (1) or more of the following strategies:

    • The appropriate use of pervious materials for pedestrian pathways and driveways,

    • Site design which utilizes the joint or shared use of parking areas or access roads where appropriate,

    • Clustering of uses within single instead of multiple structures,

    • Transfer of density/intensity out of watersheds and away from inflowing watercourses [see policies under Objective 2.3.1],

    • Use of increased setbacks and buffers from reservoirs and inflowing watercourses and the use of native vegetation within such buffers and setbacks, and

    • Through the clustering of uses to maximize the preservation of vegetated open space areas in their natural state.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Incorporate requirements in the Land Development Code consistent with this policy.


    Consideration, and adoption by the Board where appropriate, of special allowances for reduced off-street parking requirements, use of shared parking, and modifications to roadway and sidewalk design criteria to promote limitations on impervious surface consistent with this policy.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)