Objective 2.3.5. - Dredge Spoil Disposal.
Spoil from dredging projects shall be placed in suitable upland areas.
Policy Designate the Lena Road Landfill as a regional spoil disposal site for Manatee County except when alternate sites are designated pursuant to Policy
Policy Approve alternative spoil disposal sites based on the following guidelines:
• The disposal area is vacant uplands with no habitat, historic, or archaeological value,
• The disposal area is of sufficient size to contain all of the spoil material and to prevent the escape of the spoil material and return water from the spoil site into wetlands or other surface waters,
• The site has appropriate vehicular access
• The site can be approved for disposal by the appropriate state or federal regulatory agency, and
• The owner of the spoil disposal site, if not County owned, shall enter into a binding agreement with the county for the use of the property as a spoil site.
Implementation Mechanism:
Review proposed sites to ensure policy compliance.
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)