Objective 2.5.1. - Economic Viability.  

Latest version.
  • Protect, enhance, and maintain, through 2040, the countywide economic value of Manatee County's agriculture.

    Policy Designate those areas in Manatee County which are suited for long-term agriculture as Agriculture/Rural on the Future Land Use Map so as to limit the degree of suburbanization of such lands and reduce uses which may displace agriculture.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintain the Future Development Area Boundary on the adopted Future Land Use Map as the easternmost extent of categories other than Agriculture/Rural, except where described as a permitted exception in Policy above.

    Policy Establish agriculture as the preferred use in the Agriculture/Rural category. Such preferred use status shall favorably impact existing farms, expanding farms, farms that change commodities, agricultural support uses and shall be supportive of state law establishing the right-to-farm.

    Policy Maintain, as permitted by state law, a fast-tracking process for the appropriate division of land for agricultural or agricultural support uses, including the division of land for the conveyance of parcels for residential use by members of the immediate family of the landholder.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintain land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., to implement this policy.

    Policy Maintain a Future Development Area on the Future Land Use Map of sufficient acreage and density/intensity which provides alternatives to the rapid conversion of agricultural land to urban/suburban land uses that would be precipitated by a tightly-constrained supply of lands designated for future urban/suburban growth.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review and maintain the Future Land Use Map consistent with this policy.

    Policy Recognize controlled burning of agriculture and natural lands as an appropriate and necessary agricultural management practice and permit the continued use of this practice when accomplished in a safe manner.

    Policy Manatee County shall pursue and promote the use of agricultural conservation easements or other innovative methods which support the continued viability and sustainability of agricultural practices in Manatee County.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Pursue funding from the USDA Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program and other funding sources for the acquisition of easements and other property interests.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)