Objective 2.5.2. - Short-Term Agriculture.

Latest version.
  • Maintain viable short-term agricultural uses in areas that are transitioning to suburban or urban character.

    Policy Permit consideration of short-term agricultural uses to locate within areas designated for suburban or urban land uses of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre or more.

    Policy Permit the use of clustering of residential or nonresidential development on a project site to facilitate the continued use of any portion of the project site for short-term agricultural uses, once associated development potential has been transferred or clustered onto another portion of the project site.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202. F.S., and consistent with this policy.

    Policy Protect the preferred tax status of agricultural lands, as required by § 163.3194(5), F.S., by ensuring, to the maximum extent practicable, that agricultural uses meeting the requirements of § 193.461, F.S. are assessed as agricultural lands, where either:

    • The agricultural use is substantially surrounded by suburban/urban uses with increased property values;

    • Agricultural uses remain as interim uses on property approved for urban/suburban development, pursuant to Policy below; or

    Agricultural uses are approved as part of a project which has utilized the clustering option identified in Policy above to transfer development potential from the area on the project approved for continued agriculture to other areas of the project site.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination between the Manatee County Administrator and the Manatee County Property Appraiser to implement this policy.

    Policy Permit continued or newly established short-term agricultural uses, on all or part of a project until approved development is started on the project site.

    Policy Maintain land development regulations to ensure compatibility between:

    • Newly proposed agricultural uses within the developed or developing areas, and existing or future suburban and urban land uses.

    • Agricultural and nonagricultural uses proposed on a single project.

    These regulations shall enable Manatee County, through requirements approved as part of a development order establishing the agricultural uses, to ensure that agricultural uses do not generate unacceptable impacts on existing, approved, or future land uses adjacent to or proximate to the agricultural uses. Furthermore, this mechanism shall require that the location and nature of agricultural uses be specified on a site use or development plan. Also refers to policies under Objective 2.6.1.

    Policy Permit the development of farmworker housing within areas designated as Ag/R, Res-1, or UF-3 on the Future Land Use Map, at densities which exceed the maximum densities established for those categories. Also, to require that any such housing be associated exclusively with the performance of agricultural labor, and that land development regulations establish standards for the development of any such farmworker housing, to protect the health, safety, and welfare of any adjacent property owners or residents. Such standards may include other maximum density requirements.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintain land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., and consistent with this policy.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)