Objective 2.6.2. - Residential Compatibility/Transition.  

Latest version.
  • Residential uses compatible with adjacent residential and nonresidential uses.

    Policy Limit location of new residential development and residential support uses adjacent to intensive and incompatible agricultural operations.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    County review of proposed rezones and appropriate site plans submitted for new residential development adjacent to existing agricultural operations or to Ag/R Future Land Use Category for consistency with this policy and with Policy


    County review of residential support uses for consistency with Policy [See Policy]

    Policy Prohibit residential development in industrial future land use categories except as noted in Policy

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintain land development regulations consistent with this policy.

    Policy Require new residential development within the Airport Impact Overlay District to meet adopted noise attenuation requirements for any proposed residential uses which may be impacted by aircraft noise.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Implementation of Policy of the Transportation Element.

    Policy Limit residential development in areas that are subject to excessive odor to those that meet the compatibility requirements of Policy

    Policy Reserved.

    Policy Allow a mix of attached and detached housing types utilizing the mitigation techniques described in Policy or where prior planning provides for a logical transition in net residential densities between different residential unit types.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County review of all proposed mixed developments for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Promote clustering to limit impacts of residential development on adjacent agricultural, conservation, open space, or environmentally sensitive uses.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Establish clustering development standards in the LDC.

    Policy Utilize the techniques of Policy, as appropriate, to mitigate noise and/or other traffic impacts for residential development adjacent to roadways classified as arterials and limited access facilities.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Land development regulations to require mitigation consistent with this policy.

    Policy Require a gradual transition in density and utilize the mitigation techniques under Objective 2.6.1 when siting residential development adjacent to nonresidential uses.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Land development regulations to require transition and mitigation to ensure compliance with this policy.

(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)