Objective 2.9.1. - Strong Communities.
Create and maintain communities which are characterized by their:
• Connection, integration, and compatibility with surrounding land uses;
• Community spaces and focal points;
• Protection of the natural environment;
• Connection and integration of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular systems;
• Usable open spaces, and public access to water features;
• Unifying design elements and features;
• Variety of housing stock;
• Pedestrian oriented structures, and pedestrian friendly design; and
• Connection to recreational facilities, schools, adjacent neighborhoods, employment opportunities and commercial uses.
Policy Minimize the development of residential projects which create isolated neighborhoods.
Implementation Mechanism:
County review and comment on proposed site design and layout at earliest possible review period.
Policy Promote the connection and integration of community pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular systems to the larger county systems. (See also Objective 3.3.3)
Implementation Mechanism:
County review and comment regarding connection to larger county systems.
Policy Provide vehicular access between neighborhoods.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
County review and comment on proposed site design and layout.
Appropriate revisions to the Land Development Code by the County.
Policy Encourage the development of a variety of housing options and architectural styles within a community. (See also Objective 6.1.1)
Policy Promote the development of pedestrian friendly designs.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
County review and comment on proposed site design and layout.
Appropriate revisions to the Land Development Code by the County.
Policy Promote the use of unifying design elements and features.
Policy Encourage the development of community spaces, including usable open space and public access to water features.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
County review and comment on proposed site design and layout.
Appropriate revisions to the Land Development Code by the County.
Policy Encourage the design of residential projects providing continuous green space connecting neighborhoods.
Policies Require where feasible, pedestrian and bicycle access to community spaces, schools, recreational facilities, adjacent neighborhoods, employment opportunities, professional and commercial uses. (See also Objective 3.3.3)
Implementation Mechanism(s):
County review of site design and coordination with the School Board.
Maintain appropriate provisions in the Land Development Code to implement this policy.
Policy Provide for the integration and assimilation of smaller residential infill parcels into existing neighborhoods by encouraging consistency in building setbacks, lot size, dwelling unit sizes, building heights, and street patterns.
Policy The County shall address the cumulative impacts of the inter-related issues between land use, infrastructure, and transportation and determine public/private funding mechanisms to support community needs.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)