Objective 3.2.1. - Potable Water Quality.  

Latest version.
  • Maintain or improve the water quality and quantity in Lake Manatee, Evers Reservoir, and Peace River Watershed Overlay (WO) Districts for the purpose of ensuring a continued supply of drinking water at lowest possible cost to the current and future residents of Manatee County and component jurisdictions.

    Policy Maintain a mesotrophic or better Trophic State Index (TSI) range for Lake Manatee and implement watershed management as necessary to maintain water quality within the TSI ranges adopted.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Maintain the TSI range for Lake Manatee.


    Continued participation in the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium.

    Policy Continue to maintain or reduce nutrient loads in the Evers Reservoir, Lake Manatee, and Peace River watersheds.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Development of a reservoir watershed management plan for Evers Reservoir that recognizes the unique problems of an urbanizing watershed and which is consistent with the TBEP CCMP and the CWM (Comprehensive Watershed Management) plans of the SWFWMD.


    Development of a reservoir watershed management plan for Lake Manatee consistent with the TBNEP CCMP and the CSWM plan of the SWFWMD.


    Participation in development of a watershed management plan for the Peace River watershed consistent with the CHEP, CCMP, and the CSWM plan of the SWFWMD.

    Policy Continue current programs that encourage the use of Conservation Plans including Best Management Practices (BMPs) to promote economical agricultural production and improve water quality in the Lake Manatee, Evers Reservoir and Peace River watersheds.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Continue coordination with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Manatee River Soil Conservation District, and the Water Quality Division of the Natural Resources Department to increase the use of BMPs in the watersheds. Mechanisms to increase use of BMPs may include:

    • Focusing BMP awareness education to those agricultural operations within the watershed most likely to benefit from specific BMPs;

    • An agricultural best management practices task force advisory group and implementation of any recommendation of the group;

    • Development of a newsletter to keep agricultural concerns and water quality professionals informed of recent developments;

    • Continued coordination of grants, such as those from the Resource Conservation Development Council and SWFWMD to agricultural operations that use BMPs;

    • Continue to explore possible use of tax incentives for consistent use of BMPs which improve water quality in the watersheds; and

    • Develop a demonstration project for efficient agricultural operations utilizing BMPs which improve water quality.

    Policy Encourage the attachment of Forest Management Plans, when appropriate, to agricultural Conservation Plans.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination between the State of Florida Division of Forestry and the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Manatee River Soil Conservation District shall occur to evaluate the appropriateness of a Forest Management Plan whenever a Conservation Plan has been prepared.

    Policy Maintain the current water quality monitoring program in the WO districts.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with federal, state and local monitoring agencies to maintain water quality monitoring and maintenance programs or requirements for the Watershed Overlay Districts.

    Policy Ensure the appropriate level of expenditure of public revenues or private funds to provide an adequate water quality/quantity monitoring and evaluation program so as to ensure the maintenance of Class I water quality standards within the Lake Manatee and Evers Reservoirs. [See Policy]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Expenditure of revenues from any Stormwater Management Fee or other revenue source, and the establishment of special assessments for private stormwater system improvements, as necessary.

    Policy Require that new land development activities maintain or improve the water quality of Lake Manatee, Evers Reservoir, and Peace River through special requirements for land development applications located within the Watershed Overlay Districts. [See Policy]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Adopt regulations in the Land Development Code to implement this policy.


    Review of proposed stormwater detention basins to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Prohibit the disposal of treated effluent from any wastewater treatment plant or the disposal of any sludge within the WO District, provided, however, beneficial reuse of reclaimed water from any public wastewater treatment plant shall be allowed in the Evers Reservoir watershed as follows:


    Such beneficial reuse of reclaimed water shall be limited to public wastewater treatment plants that attain Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) Standards as defined in § 403.086, F.S., (or successor Statute) and that provide reclaimed water pursuant to Chapter 62-610, Part III, F.A.C. (or successor Rule); and


    Such beneficial reuse of reclaimed water shall be limited to the portion of the Evers Reservoir watershed as generally depicted on Map entitled "Beneficial Reuse Area of the Evers Reservoir Watershed"; and


    Such beneficial reuse of reclaimed water shall be accomplished pursuant to a surface water monitoring program approved pursuant to an interlocal agreement entered into between the County and the public entity proposing such beneficial reuse.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Imposition of appropriate fines on sludge handling agricultural or other operations which violate this policy.


    Monitoring program for the beneficial reuse of reclaimed water as provided above and approved pursuant to an appropriate interlocal agreement.


    Amend the Land Development Code to achieve consistency with this policy.

    Policy Where appropriate, utilize natural wetland systems and buffers as additional filtration mechanisms to maintain or improve water quality in Lake Manatee, Evers Reservoir, Peace River and all receiving coastal waters. [See policies under Objective 3.3.1]

    Policy Continue to explore additional management strategies and techniques to improve water quality in the Evers and Lake Manatee Reservoirs, and the Peace River watershed.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Periodic evaluation of water quality improvement strategies in coordination with state and local agencies.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 7(Exh. E), 8-23-18)