Objective 3.4.1. - Hazardous Substances and Waste Management.
Ensure that all hazardous substances and wastes are properly managed and disposed to minimize the risk of spills or accidents that may threaten the health of County residents.
Policy Prohibit the disposal, storage, or use of any hazardous substance or waste within the WO District subject to the following exceptions:
Storage for and application on agricultural operations consistent with local, state, and federal regulations;
Amounts less than two hundred twenty (220) pounds of hazardous substances or waste within any month; and
Amounts less than 2.20 pounds of acutely hazardous substances or waste within any month.
Any operation storing hazardous substances or waste and exercising exemption (2) and/or (3) shall Submit an Emergency Response Plan to the Natural Resources and Public Safety Directors, the appropriate Fire District, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Review of land development activities to ensure policy compliance.
Land development regulations requirement that any site plan submitted for approval show the location of any proposed secured storage area for any quantity of hazardous or acutely hazardous substance, material, or waste, irrespective of the duration of the proposed storage.
Land development regulations shall require that hazardous substances and wastes be stored in non-discharge storage facilities.
Review of Emergency Response Plans to ensure policy compliance.
Policy Prohibit the location of any storage area for hazardous or acutely hazardous substances or waste within the one hundred (100) year floodplain of any in flowing watercourse within the WO District or within two hundred (200) feet of the wetlands associated with any in flowing watercourse, whichever is greater.
Implementation Mechanism:
Review of all development applications to ensure compliance with this policy.
Policy Continue the current hazardous material management process which is applicable to all hazardous substance facilities to address the proper storage, disposal and recycling of hazardous wastes and substances, and to provide direction to routing of hazardous materials on Manatee County roadways. Registration of all small and large generators of hazardous substances with the appropriate County departments is required.
Implementation Mechanism:
Continued monitoring in cooperation (where appropriate) with other local governments and other affected parties.
Policy Maintain the current biological waste procedures as required by state law for proper disposal of biological wastes.
Policy Explore the possibility of establishing fees, licensing, or assessments for the inspection and enforcement of the local hazardous substance and hazardous waste management program to provide an opportunity for grant funding from the state.
Implementation Mechanism:
Investigation and preparation of recommendations consistent with this policy.
Policy Continue existing pollution prevention program for storage and disposal of hazardous or acutely hazardous substances or waste to deter unsafe practices and protect residents and visitors.
Implementation Mechanism:
Continue to make recommendations to facility owners and operators regarding pollution prevention and waste minimization practices.
Policy Continue to provide educational programs to inform citizens about appropriate methods of storage, disposal, and recycling of household and commercial hazardous substances and wastes.
Policy Solicit private sector assistance for the proper disposal of household hazardous wastes to reduce the land filling of such wastes.
Implementation Mechanism:
Work with the private sector to implement this policy.
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 7(Exh. E), 8-23-18)