Objective 3.4.2. - Mineral Resource Extraction.

Latest version.
  • Promote efficient, environmentally sound, utilization and extraction of mineral resources to conserve natural resources and to ensuring that the natural environment is protected from adverse impacts.

    Policy Prohibit adverse environmental or land use impacts caused by new mineral resource extraction operations.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of all proposed new or amended mineral resource extraction activities for conformance with the Manatee County Phosphate Mining Ordinance, as amended, the Land Development Code, and any other applicable local, State, and Federal programs.

    Policy Require that all applications for new or expanded mineral resource extraction activities include a reclamation plan for the reestablishment of form and function of the appropriate land cover. Also, require the implementation of all approved reclamation plans.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of reclamation plans to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Encourage efficient mineral resource extraction through water conserving extraction methods, use of reclaimed water, when available, and other cost effective and resource conserving techniques.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with SWFWMD, and FDEP, to promote efficient resource extraction.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 7(Exh. E), 8-23-18)