Objective 4.1.1. - Seagrass Protection.  

Latest version.
  • Increase the number of acres of seagrass in local waters in cooperation with the Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay EPs and the Charlotte Harbor NEP through programs which protect, restore, and enhance significant habitat to provide:

    • An indication of overall bay health;

    • Habitat for juvenile fish and shellfish;

    • Forage for the West Indian Manatee; and

    • Other benefits associated with seagrasses.

    Policy Require that all preliminary site plans, preliminary plats, or equivalent site plans, depict the location of any existing seagrass habitat contained within the proposed development site or within fifty (50) feet of the development's boundary.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County review to determine if the proposed development activities will adversely affect seagrass habitats.

    Policy Prohibit any non-water dependent development activities in submerged areas containing significant seagrass habitat, except as expressly permitted by other policies (e.g., Policy, or in cases of overriding public interest, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review proposed development to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Prohibit the location of new boat ramps in areas characterized by insufficient depth, sensitive bottom or shoreline habitats, such as seagrass beds.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review development to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Identify all areas of significant seagrass habitat and direct marine traffic to avoid these areas.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordinate with the Tampa Bay National Estuary Program to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Maximize opportunities for reestablishing and protecting seagrass habitat throughout Sarasota and Tampa Bays.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Coordinate with the Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay Estuary Programs and the Agency For Bay Management to identify those areas best suited to the restoration or recovery of seagrasses.


    Continued involvement in the Sarasota and Tampa Bay EPs including application for funding for appropriate seagrass restoration.

    Policy Develop techniques to orient boating activities to suitable areas away from sensitive habitats, to protect seagrass beds and reduce turbidity. [See Policy]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review all development requests for marina-type uses to ensure that sensitive habitats will not be negatively affected.

    Policy Encourage seagrass growth through strategies which improve water transparency in Sarasota and Tampa Bays and Charlotte Harbor. [See policies under Objective 3.2.2.]

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 8(Exh. F), 8-23-18)