Objective 4.1.3. - Water Quality, Fish, and Shellfish Harvesting.  

Latest version.
  • Improve coastal water quality such that all DEP shellfish harvesting prohibition areas are upgraded to "Approved" as feasible, and such that juvenile fish populations and a diversity of other living marine resources are restored and sustained.

    Policy Require all land development activities within the Coastal Planning Area which discharge into receiving coastal waters demonstrate non-degradation of water quality for all applicable parameters.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):

    Ensure that all development approvals meet water stormwater treatment standards as described in Policy of the Stormwater Management sub-element of the Public Facilities Element.


    Review all requests for development requiring a point source discharge permit into receiving waters which flow into shellfish harvesting areas for compliance with this policy.


    Monitor compliance with National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Suburban Sewer System (MS4) to improve coastal water quality.


    Continued participation in the Tampa Bay EP Nitrogen Consortium.


    Natural Resources Department continued participation in the Tampa Bay EP Nitrogen Consortium.

    Policy Require that all proposed development adjacent to the boundaries of the Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve ensure that no significant degradation of water quality, shoreline or estuarine habitat occurs either attributable to the development alone or in combination with other developments.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to review all proposed development applications adjacent to the Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve for consistency with this policy.

    Policy Continue to support the Florida Department of Transportation in any efforts to redesign the Palma Sola Causeway to improve the flushing characteristics of Palma Sola Bay.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 8(Exh. F), 8-23-18)