Objective 4.3.2. - Public Infrastructure in the Coastal Planning Area.
Minimize public expenditures on infrastructure for new development within the Coastal Planning Area to limit replacement costs in case of damage from natural hazards.
Policy Limit the placement of County-funded infrastructure within the Coastal Planning Area which exceeds the demands generated by approved development except to provide for hurricane evacuation needs and as allowed in Policy
Implementation Mechanism:
All new development in the Coastal Planning Area which require infrastructure improvements shall meet applicable Level of Service standards.
Policy Prohibit the construction of County-funded public facilities within the CHHA except for the following:
• Public recreation consistent with natural resource preservation;
• Maintenance of hurricane evacuation times;
• Facilities which are necessary for public health, safety, or resource restoration;
• Roadways shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map or the Major Thoroughfare Map contained in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan;
• Improvements required to maintain Level of Service standards;
• Port facilities consistent with the Port Manatee Master Plan and this Comprehensive Plan; and
• Projects which are of an overriding public interest as determined by the Board of County Commissioners.
Implementation Mechanism:
Development of County department capital improvements budgets consistent with this policy.
County input to the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization to discourage the inclusion of transportation improvements within the CEA unless such improvements are consistent with Policy
Policy Prohibit Manatee County from accepting responsibility for maintaining new roadways within the CHHA except for those which are consistent with Policies and
Implementation Mechanism:
Review proposed developments to implement this policy.
Policy Prohibit construction of new, or widening of existing, bridges linking the mainland to any island/key area within Manatee County unless such bridge or improvement is shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation to review all applications for bridge construction to ensure compliance with this policy.
Policy Establish a lower priority for the funding of public infrastructure within the CEA as compared to non-CEA areas, except where expenditures are necessary to:
• Alleviate dangerously overcrowded or otherwise hazardous roads;
• Replace or construct wastewater facilities to alleviate or prevent potential violations of potable water quality standards applicable to surface waters; and
• Provide recreational facilities unique to coastal sites.
Implementation Mechanisms:
Internal coordination between departments during preparation of the Capital Improvements Projects budget to achieve policy compliance.
Policy Continue to provide assistance to identified neighborhoods in the Coastal Planning Area which require more resilient housing through financial or technical assistance to improve sub-standard housing. (See also Objective 6.1.4)
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordinate with state and local agencies to ensure policy compliance.
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 8(Exh. F), 8-23-18)