Objective 4.4.2. - Hazard Mitigation.  

Latest version.
  • Create pre-disaster mitigation plans to reduce the risk to life and property from natural or man-made disasters.

    Policy Require that all project approvals within the Coastal Evacuation Area meet performance standards as described in detail in land development regulations and which may include:

    • Procedures for development and establishment of hurricane shelter capacity and evacuation time standards;

    • Mitigation measures such as fair share contribution to preserve sheltering capacity and maintain evacuation times, or reductions in project density;

    • Special design standards for infrastructure construction;

    • Development of hurricane evacuation plans; and

    • Specific surcharges or fees to recoup public expenditures for infrastructure after a storm.

    Policy Require new development in the Coastal Planning Area to provide hurricane evacuation plans for the project prepared in coordination with County staff, and require the implementation of such plans with funding for such planning and implementation provided by the developers of the project or their successors.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Review of all development in the Coastal Planning Area to ensure consistency with this policy.


    In conjunction with the site plan approval, development projects will submit an effective and compliant hurricane evacuation plan to Manatee County.

    Policy Minimize the location of development within areas of the CEA which have sustained recurring hurricane related damage.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Development of possible strategies for the fee simple acquisition of repetitive loss properties.


    Development of zoning and other mitigative techniques to reduce the probability of future property loss due to a storm event.


    Development of possible acquisition strategies for suitable environmentally sensitive properties.

    Policy Implement policies and actions of the Local Hazard Mitigation Strategy.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Coordination with other member agencies to achieve policy compliance.


    Interagency hazard reports review and inclusion during development of the Local Mitigation Strategy.

    Policy Minimize the disturbance of natural shoreline resources that provide shoreline stabilization and protect landward areas from the effects of storm events.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Implementation of the policies under Objective 4.1.2 and Policies and


    Recommendation of strategies for projects within the CEA to achieve this policy. Such strategies may include, but are not limited to, conservation easements, lease agreements, land donations, deed restrictions or covenants. These provisions will be implemented to protect shoreline integrity through non-disturbance of coastal vegetation and soils.

    Policy Prohibit the construction of new seawalls and the repair and reconstruction of existing seawalls except as permitted by applicable federal and state regulations.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of proposed construction and seawall repair or reconstruction activities for policy compliance.

    Policy Improve sheltering capacity through the development of more shelters, through increased public education regarding evacuation options, or through other techniques which reduce the number of persons needing shelter during a major storm.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Improve sheltering capacity. Improvement techniques may include:

    • Procedures for evaluating the impact of the each proposed development on hurricane shelter capacity and evacuation clearance times.

    • Establishment of required standards for available hurricane shelter capacity and evacuation clearance times.

    • A requirement for mitigation techniques to ensure that new projects contribute fair share improvements or funding to maintain required shelter capacity. Such mitigation measures may include reduction in project densities to ensure compliance with the established standards.

    • Establishment of a Home Host program for selected areas of the County by providing educational programs that encourage a neighbor host sheltering initiative to help reduce the shelter deficit.

    Policy Expand the training of local Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD), Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), the Medical Reserve Corps, Manatee County Search and Rescue, and other partner agencies to support first responders.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Manatee County Government will facilitate holistic and countywide emergency preparedness and disaster response training needs of residents, visitors, and business owners for all-hazards.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 8(Exh. F), 8-23-18)