Objective 5.13.2 - Airport Compatibility.  

Latest version.
  • Airports located and operated in a manner consistent and compatible with current and future surrounding land uses, including protection of land uses from adverse airport noise impacts.

    Policy Prevent or minimize any future conflicts or incompatibilities between any new, or expanded, general aviation or commercial aviation facility and any existing or future land use or natural resources by maintaining airport siting criteria and a series of performance standards for all general aviation or commercial airports. Also, require identification of an Airport Impact Overlay District on the Future Land Use Map for any general aviation or commercial aviation airport, such Overlay District encompassing the area exposed to aircraft noise of sixty-five (65) Ldn or greater. (See also Policy

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintenance of land development regulations pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S. and § 333, F.S., and 14 C.F.R. s. 77, containing airport siting criteria and performance standards, designed to ensure compatibility of any airport with existing land uses and natural resources, and with future land uses, including uses identified in the Land Development Code.

    Policy Consistent with § 333, F.S., maintain a development review process that requires noise level reduction within any structure to forty-five (45) Ldn as a condition for issuance of any building permit for residential or other noise sensitive uses within any Airport Impact Overlay District.

    Implementation mechanism:


    Implementation of procedures by the Manatee County Building Department to require all applicable building permits to be issued in a manner so as to require use of construction materials, and/or use of designs that achieve interior noise levels of forty-five (45) Ldn or less. As part of these procedures, the developers will also be required to submit certification that the structure(s) has met this condition, such certification prepared either by the architect or by a professional acoustician, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All residential subdivision requests will be subject to the aforementioned requirements as a condition of Preliminary Plat approval, or similar approval.

    Policy Continue to involve the Sarasota-Manatee Airport Authority in the review of rezonings, Comprehensive Plan amendments, site plan approvals, and other appropriate development orders which are requested in the 65+ Ldn noise impact area of all airports under the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority's jurisdiction, in order to ensure consistency with the Noise Compatibility Program for the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport as established pursuant to Policy or with any other noise compatibility program for other airports.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Manatee County Building and Development Services coordination with the Sarasota-Manatee Airport Authority to facilitate compliance with this policy.

(Ord. No. 17-03 , § 6(Exh. D), 3-2-17)