Objective 5.13.4 - Compatibility With Natural Resources.

Latest version.
  • Improvement and expansion of the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts to water quality and other natural resources.

    Policy Minimize the disruption of environmentally sensitive land or natural resources caused by the siting of new, or expansion of existing, airport facilities and achieve consistency with the Future Land Use Element, Coastal Management Element, and Conservation Element.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Use of airport siting criteria contained in regulations developed pursuant to Policy by the Building and Development Services to evaluate proposed airport sites.


    Airport performance standards developed pursuant to Policy containing requirements which allow for the determination of the impacts of any expansion or new airport development on environmentally sensitive areas or natural resources, and containing requirements to ensure that any adverse impacts are reduced to a minimum. Requirements will include the required submittal of site development plans for designation of any proposed airport site or expansion.


    Policy in the Future Land Use Element generally precluding future commercial aviation facilities from location in the WO Watershed Overlay Districts (See also Policy

(Ord. No. 17-03 , § 6(Exh. D), 3-2-17)