Objective 5.7.3. - Future Port Expansion.
Acquire additional land and expand and improve vessel berth areas, Port/intermodal facilities and upland support facilities to meet future cargo and other shipping needs.
Policy Encourage the acquisition of additional shoreline and upland properties, and the expansion and improvement of berths and backlands to provide the supporting infrastructure needed for future Port operation, consistent with the Port Manatee Master Plan, 2016 (See the Port Manatee Master Plan, Element 4 of this Comprehensive Plan). Also encourage the development and operation of the Port according to the goals, objectives, and policies in the Port Manatee Master Plan, 2016 in a manner that avoids and minimizes adverse impacts on the natural environment and mitigates unavoidable impacts of such Port development and operation on the function of the natural ecosystem.
Policy The Port shall coordinate its planning and development efforts with the County's Building and Development Services Department to ensure that the Port's planned projects and land uses are compatible with and support the policies consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. The Port shall also review and evaluate proposed amendments to the County's Comprehensive Plan, particularly the Coastal Element, as to potential impacts on Port activities.
Policy Require the Port to have a current General Development Plan approved by the Board following any amendments to the Port Master Plan that generate change to the approved General Development Plan.
(Ord. No. 17-04 , § 4, 10-5-17)