Objective 5.8.1. - Environmental Protection.
Protect, conserve and enhance those coastal wetlands, living marine resources and wildlife habitats located on Port property and minimize environmental impacts caused by Port operations, tenants, or expansion.
Policy Maintain and implement the comprehensive Port master Drainage Plan and update it following each revision or modification of the Port's General Development Plan consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Comprehensive Plan.
Policy Continue to cooperate with local, regional, and other governmental agencies to ensure that all environmental planning and management activities are coordinated.
Policy Operate in a manner to minimize risk to the health, safety, and welfare of Port employees and visitors. Maintain a current evacuation plan and encourage all persons within the Port area to be familiar with Port evacuation requirements.
Policy Maintain the Port Director as authority, to the extent allowed by law, over ships, tenants, and users to ensure safe storage and transfer of hazardous materials.
Policy Amend performance standards and procedures from time to time to ensure that licenses, permits, leases, deeds, easements, other conveyances, and rights are appropriate in terms of form and content for the protection and promotion of the Port and its environment.
(Ord. No. 17-04 , § 4, 10-5-17)