Objective 5.0.4. - Expand Transportation Concurrency Exception Areas (TCEA) within the Urban Service Area to Promote Economic Revitalization and Achieve Community Redevelopment Goals.
Any future plans to expand the TCEA must include coordination with FDOT to assess any potential impacts on State and/or Strategic Intermodal Systems (SIS) facilities within the expanded TCEA boundary.
Any future plans to expand the TCEA must include a detailed transportation analysis supporting the expanded boundary.
Policy The maps graphically identified on the Future Land Use Map Series; Transportation Map Series and as Maps I and J in the Future Land Use Element are hereby established as Transportation Concurrency Exception Areas.
Policy Development/Redevelopment within the TCEA shall mitigate impacts through multi-modal objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
Policy Mitigating measure(s) shall be in proportion to the transportation impacts.
Policy Mitigating measure(s) shall advance the goals of adopted area or subject matter plans specific to the location of the development/redevelopment such as:
• Neighborhood Revitalization Plans.
• Corridor Revitalization Plans.
• Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan.
• Transit Development Plan.
Policy Mitigating measure(s) may include but not be limited to the following:
• Operational and/or Capital Enhancements for MCAT.
• Participation in a transit pass program for employees, van pooling and/or ride sharing programs.
• Pedestrian improvements.
• Bus shelter/Transit stop improvements.
• Bicycle improvements.
• Lighting improvements.
• Connectivity improvements.
• Roadway/Intersection improvements.
• Streetscape improvements.
• Enhancements to the Automated Traffic Management System (ATMS).
• Creating parallel travel ways connecting adjacent development.
• Financial contributions to implement actions consistent with this policy.
• Any other measures which increase mobility options and inter-modal connections as may be approved by the County.
• Where segment or intersection improvements are not possible due to policy, physical, or financial constraints, the County shall have the option of utilizing the funds collected to make improvements designed to alleviate congestion on other facilities in the TCEA.
Implementation Mechanism:
Land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., and consistent with this policy.
Policy Any development or redevelopment project within the TCEA that impacts roadway segments or intersections outside the TCEA shall be subject to concurrency requirements for those impacts outside the TCEA.
Policy The County shall explore the establishment of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies within the TCEA to minimize impacts on the transportation network during peak hours.
The County shall coordinate these efforts with the local business community and the MPO.
Policy The effectiveness of the TCEA shall be periodically evaluated. This evaluation will take place at a minimum with the state required Evaluation and Appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan.
Performance measures may include:
• Level of development/redevelopment in the TCEA.
• Utilization of TDM programs.
• Mitigating actions described in Policy
• Impacts on the roadway network outside the TCEA.
Policy Manatee County shall seek funding and pursue creative financing methods to increase mobility within the Transportation Concurrency Exception Area.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 8(Exh. F), 9-19-16)