Objective 5.1.1. - Traffic Circulation Map Series.  

Latest version.
  • Maintain a Traffic Circulation Map series as the guiding document for development of an adequate network of major roadways to address the 2035 forecasted Vehicular Travel Demand in Manatee County.

    Policy Maintain a Major Thoroughfare Map Series in this Comprehensive Plan which:

    • Establishes the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map as the official listing of existing arterial and collector roadways for Manatee County. (Map 5-A)

    • Includes Future Traffic Circulation: Functional Classification Map indicating all arterial and collector roadways which will provide for adequate traffic circulation within Manatee County over a 20-year planning period. (Map 5-B)

    • Includes Future Traffic Circulation: Right-of-Way Needs Map identifying the right-of-way widths for each roadway in a manner consistent with the inventory of right-of-way already owned by Manatee County, other local governments, or the State of Florida. (Map 5-C)

    • Includes Future Traffic Circulation: Number of Lanes Map indicating the number of lanes for all future arterial and collector roadways within Manatee County over a 20-year planning period. (Map 5-D)

    • Includes Future Traffic Circulation: Manatee County Designated Controlled Access Map indicating County designated controlled access facilities. (Map 5-E)

    • Includes Florida's Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) designated SIS facilities and emerging SIS facilities within Manatee County. (Map 5-F)

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Maintenance of the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series pursuant to this policy and implementation of the map series requirements through adoption and implementation of land development regulations consistent with this policy.

    Policy Maintain and amend as necessary Map 5-A as the official Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map. This Map shall indicate:


    All existing functionally classified roadways and the current status of each roadway using classifications as required for implementing the policies of this Comprehensive Plan.


    The revised status of any roadway either scheduled for new construction or reclassification during the current fiscal year pursuant to a programmed public improvement.


    The revised status of any roadway either scheduled for new construction or reclassification pursuant to a local government land development agreement adopted pursuant to § 163.3220, F.S. (et seq.). Any such roadway shall be indicated on the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map along with the date of required roadway improvement completion. This date shall be used to ensure that any Certificate of Use and Density/Intensity Compliance, Certificate of Level of Service Compliance, or development order issued for a project on the basis of reliance on the functional classification or capacity of each such roadway, contains conditions requiring that development of the subject project be contingent upon implementation of the improvement or reclassification by the recorded date.

    Policy Utilize the definitions of "arterial" and "collector" road contained in this Comprehensive Plan to evaluate proposed changes to the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map, and evaluate any such proposed changes to Map 5-A through the use of the procedure identified in the referenced definitions.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination between County departments to effectuate this policy.

    Policy Allow for administrative updates to the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map to depict the following:


    A change in number of lanes on a roadway,


    The construction of a new roadway shown on the Major Thoroughfare Map, or


    The extension of an existing roadway which changes the function of that roadway from the "rural" to an "urban" classification or from a "minor" to a "major" classification.

    A proposed change in the functional classification of a roadway not caused by a change listed above shall be processed as a Plan Amendment.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    The County shall establish review procedures consistent with this policy.


    The County shall periodically process Plan amendments to adopt changes to the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map consistent with this policy.

    Policy Reserved.

    Policy Derive the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series Maps 5-B, 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F and any subsequent updates to such Map Series, primarily through use of the Sarasota-Manatee 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan travel demand forecast model, as maintained by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Sarasota-Manatee bi-county area, or using other similar travel demand forecasting procedures. At minimum, the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series shall include all roadway segments shown on the Long Range Transportation Plan of the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, with future lane arrangements no less than adopted by the MPO. The Future Traffic Circulation Map Series may call for more lanes on a segment of the network where additional laneage is warranted by an appropriate analysis.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Use of Sarasota-Manatee 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan and/or other travel demand forecasting models to derive the 2035 network and projected lane arrangements adopted as part of Map 5-D.

    Policy Indicate, on the Future Traffic Circulation: Functional Classification Map (Map 5-B), only those collector roadways, arterial roadways, or limited/controlled access roadway facilities (See Map 5-E for limited/controlled access roadway facilities) for which development is possible given existing man-made or natural constraints, and which are necessary or desirable for the movement of projected 2035 traffic forecasts.

    Policy Consider amendments to the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series, Maps 5-B, 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F if one or more of the following criteria are met:


    One or more additional major roadways are proposed to be added to the Map which can be demonstrated to improve the level of service on one (1) or more roadways already shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map, and where such roadways are projected to operate at a Level of Service "D" or worse in the long-range planning time frame of this Comprehensive Plan. Any such amendment shall also be consistent with other Elements of this Comprehensive Plan.


    Coordination with the MPO results in the identification of a required amendment to the Future Traffic Circulation Maps to achieve consistency with the MPO's long-range roadway network, and the proposed amendment is consistent with the Elements of this Comprehensive Plan.


    Update or amendment of this, or other elements of the Comprehensive Plan results in a need to amend the Future Traffic Circulation Maps.


    Update of the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map results in a need to amend the Future Traffic Circulation Map.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with the MPO and FDOT to review or prepare proposed amendments to the Future Traffic Circulation Maps, including review for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan Elements.

    Policy Any update of Future Traffic Circulation: Right-of-way Needs Map (Map 5-C) involving right-of-way needs shall be based on the scheduling, in the adoption of a multi-year capital improvement program, of a roadway, or other, transportation corridor improvement. The Future Traffic Circulation: Right-of-Way Needs Map (Map 5-C) shall indicate projected 20-year right-of-way requirements for all roadways which are located on the Future Traffic Circulation Maps.

(Ord. No. 17-12 , § 3, 5-23-17; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)