Objective 5.2.1. - Use of Maps.
Utilize the Traffic Circulation Map series to review proposed development orders, determine level of service for roadways, achieve consistency with the MPO and FDOT Long Range Transportation Plans, including SIS, identify and review capital improvement projects, and ensure rights-of-way protection and reservation to implement an adequate major road system throughout Manatee County.
Policy Utilize the Existing Roadway Functional Classification map to review proposed development orders for compliance with locational criteria and access criteria contained in this Comprehensive Plan, as described in applicable policies.
Policy Develop a framework of collector roadways that are located approximately one-half (½) mile apart from other collector roadways or arterial roadways to facilitate inter-neighborhood movement and reduce circuitous travel and congestion.
Implementation Mechanism:
Study and propose amendments to the Traffic Circulation Map Series consistent with this policy.
Establish standards in the LDC to implement this policy.
Policy Develop an adequate road network of arterials and collectors which are parallel to, or otherwise limit the degree of local travel demand on I-275 and I-75. As used in this policy, an "adequate" parallel road network shall mean a network designed to maintain a peak hour Level of Service on I-275 and I-75 of "C" or better. (see also Policy
Implementation Mechanism:
Implementation of the network shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series by 2035, through capital improvements accomplished in an economically-feasible manner.
Policy Utilize the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series for:
Review of all proposed development orders for consistency with Map 5-C (see also Policies and Rights-of-Way Protection and Preservation).
Establishing the long-range (2040) level of service standards on major existing or future roadways by determining the resultant level of service on each roadway located on Maps 5-B, 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F when impacted by projected travel demand, as determined using the Sarasota-Manatee 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan and/or other travel demand forecasting models.
Review of all proposed capital projects proposed to widen existing, or develop new, major roadways. All capital projects shall be consistent with Maps 5-B, 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F.
Achieving consistency of this Comprehensive Plan, where appropriate, with the long-range transportation plans of all local governments adjacent to Manatee County, and with the Florida Department of Transportation's 2060 Florida Transportation Plan (FTP), the Short Range Strategic Plan, Strategic Intermodal system, and approved Five-Year Work Program.
Policy Implement, through this Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations, standards which shall limit or prohibit development of structures, parking areas, or drainage facilities within the location of further transportation corridors and rights-of-way as generally configured and indicated on the Future Traffic Circulation: Right-of-Way Needs Map, (Map 5-C) and specified on Table 5-1. Other thoroughfare uses may be allowed within designated Future Transportation Corridors, including temporary uses.
Future transportation corridors and rights-of-way to be protected shall be established during the review of each individual proposed project in proximity to the future transportation corridors generally located on the Future Traffic Circulation Map Series. These transportation corridors shall be designed so as to provide for a continuous travel corridor of sufficient width to accommodate an appropriate cross-section as required for facility types specified on the Major Thoroughfare Map Series. Protected future transportation corridors rights-of-way shall be identified during project review for development order approval. Dedication, where required, shall occur on or before issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance unless a development order specifies a later dedication date.
Mitigation measure shall be utilized to preclude the taking of private property without compensation. These measures shall address properties which are located in a manner, or exhibit characteristics, which preclude the reasonable use of such property if the protected right-of-way is dedicated or maintained free of structures, drainage facilities, or parking areas during development of the property. These measures also shall consider the transportation impacts of the specific development being proposed on the roadway. Mitigation measures may include, but not be limited to:
• Granting of impact fee credits in accordance with land development regulations;
• Repositioning the roadway through the land to maximize development potential;
• Transferring of development rights which may be considered pursuant to the Future Land Use Map from the area within the protected right-of-way to an area outside the protected right-of-way on the project site;
• Granting alternative and more valuable land uses;
• Offering development opportunities for clustering the increasing densities at key nodes and parcels within the project site off the protected transportation corridors;
• Altering or changing the road pattern; and
• Reduce the building setbacks, required buffers, and other requirements otherwise contained in this Comprehensive Plan or contained in other local land development regulations, if such requirement is considered on a case-by-case basis.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Update, as needed the Future Traffic Circulation: Rights-of-Way Needs Map (Map 5C), the Rights-of-Way Needs Table (Table 5.1), the Existing Roadway Functional Classification Map (Map 5A), and applicable land development regulations consistent with this policy.
Maintenance of land development regulations consistent with § 163.3202, F.S., and consistent with this policy.
Policy Implement rights of way reservation requirements through the Future Traffic Circulation: Right-of-Way Needs Map (Map 5-C) and Right-of-Way Needs Table (Table 5-1) in this Comprehensive Plan and the land development regulations. All development of drainage facilities, parking, or structures shall be prohibited within the reserved right-of-way consistent with law. Dedications of reserved right-of-way shall be in accordance with Policy above. Appropriate access through reserved right-of-way, as determined by Manatee County, will be permitted.
Implementation Mechanism:
Maintain land development regulations consistent with this policy.
Policy Periodically evaluate the desirability of establishing a right-of-way acquisition fund for rights-of-way identified on the Major Thoroughfare Map, but not yet subject to right-of-way reservation pursuant to Policy above, nor protected pursuant to Policy above.
Implementation Mechanism:
During annual preparation of the update to the Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, the County shall determine whether it is fiscally feasible to establish or maintain an advanced right-of-way acquisition fund.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 8(Exh. F), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 17-12 , § 3, 5-23-17; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)