Objective 5.2.2. - Performance Standards.
Utilize adopted design standards for the review of proposed development orders and for ensuring the proper functioning of publicly-provided transportation facilities.
Policy Utilize the Future Traffic Circulation Right-of-Way Needs Map (Map 5-C):
As a long range planning tool that outlines general corridors for future roadway, rail or other transportation facility construction;
To protect identified transportation corridors from encroachment by other land use activities; and
To put property owners on notice as to the necessity and location of future roadways (see also Table 5-1 for right-of-way widths), and allow owners adequate time to plan and integrate their developments with proper transportation facility coordination requirements.
No Development Order shall be issued for any project unless such project is consistent with requirements developed pursuant to this policy.
Implementation Mechanism:
Review of all proposed projects for compliance with the location and right-of-way requirements referenced in this policy, where applicable.
Policy Maintain adopted minimum standards for the spacing and location of local streets and driveways onto County and State roadways, and minimum standards for the spacing and location of median cuts on County and State roadways. These standards shall be used to ensure safe access to proposed developments, and to limit impedances to traffic flow on County and State roadways. These minimum standards shall be consistent with Florida Department of Transportation Rule Ch. 14-97, F.A.C. State Highway System Access Management Classification System and Standards, December, 1990, as amended, or with other appropriate State policy. No Development Order shall be issued for any project unless such project is consistent with requirements developed pursuant to this policy.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., and containing these standards.
Coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation to maintain minimum standards on State roads (for inclusion within Manatee County standards), so as to ensure that project review by Manatee County incorporates an informal review of the project for compliance with State requirements. Formal review by the State would still be described as a requirement not met by County review.
Policy Designate where determined to be necessary by the Board of County Commissioners, any roadway shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map (Map 5-E) as a "controlled access facility," as defined herein. This designation should not be confused with the category of roadway used for functional classification purposes called "limited access facility". Also, for any controlled access facility, limit the rights of abutting lands to direct or indirect access to the facility in a manner specific to that facility. Furthermore, to prohibit the issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance on any project unless project design meets all criteria adopted for adjacent controlled access facilities. A list of approved intersections may also be developed for each controlled access facility to identify permitted access points to the facility.
All "entranceways," as described in Policies and, shall also be designated as controlled access facilities, with access limitations specified at time of defining the extent of these facilities pursuant to Policies and
At a minimum, the following roadways shall be considered as Manatee County Designated "Controlled Access Facilities":
University Parkway between U.S. 301 and SR70.
State Route 70 between I-75 and Verna Bethany Road.
State Route 64 between I-75 and Verna Bethany Road.
U.S. 301 Between I-75 and North Manatee County line.
U.S. 41 between 49th Street East (Experimental Farm Road) and north Manatee County Line.
All Manatee County "Controlled Access Facilities" shall be shown on the Future Traffic Circulation Map (Map 5-E) via the plan amendment process, and a description of access limitations shall be contained in land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation to recommend, as necessary, proposed controlled access facilities and related limitations on direct or indirect access.
Inclusion in any land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., descriptions of access intersections and adjacent land access limitations for controlled access facilities.
Policy Consider, for any roadway alignment established as a controlled access facility pursuant to Policy above, the reservation and protection of sufficient right-of-way for the development of parallel frontage roads to increase local access. Any such increased right-of-way shall be protected or reserved as permitted under Policies and above.
Policy Generally, encourage the use of project access from collectors rather than arterials. If project access has to be provided from an arterial, it shall be designed as a controlled intersection, instead of an uncontrolled driveway. However, "right-turn-in/out only" ingress/egress points on arterials may be considered where appropriate.
Implementation Mechanism:
County review of development applications to ensure compliance with this policy.
Policy Reserved.
Policy Require the provision of adequate on and/or off-street parking facilities for all land uses.
Implementation Mechanism:
Maintain and develop parking requirements by land use in the land development code developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S.
Policy Utilize the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as the guideline for determining the need or requirement for traffic control devices on roadways within Manatee County. No Certificate of Level of Service Compliance shall be issued for any project phase unless signalization required by the guidelines is accomplished, or is required by appropriate conditions on the Certificate of Level of Service Compliance and related development order(s).
Implementation Mechanism:
Review applications for Certificates of Level of Service Compliance and related development order(s) to ensure consistency with this policy, and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, as required by this policy.
Policy Implement requirements for on and/or off-street parking facilities for all land uses. Requirements shall ensure the safe and convenient circulation of on- site vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, and to ensure adequate site access and circulation of emergency vehicles. These regulations may include, but not be limited to, appropriate parking volume requirements, permitted consideration of shared/joint-use parking areas, private roadway/parking aisle requirements, loading area requirements, and requirements for pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation systems where required or otherwise utilized.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., and consistent with this policy.
Policy Minimize the utilization of I-75 and I-275 as roadways for meeting local travel demand by establishing a future land use map and related policies that shall encourage highly integrated multi-use projects, and varied complementary projects, in close proximity to interstate highway interchanges to increase internal trip capture within and between such projects.
Policy Ensure that local streets are situated so as to provide travel paths for vehicular movements between home and work/shopping locations and to promote inter-neighborhood ties (continuation) of local streets between neighborhoods.
Implementation Mechanism:
Review of the proposed circulation patterns.
Policy Create greater transportation mobility through the requirement for cross-access between adjacent properties. Allow exceptions to this policy where:
• No logical connection(s) can be established which would improve system mobility or
• Compatibility concerns are created due to creation of undesirable travel routes.
See also Policies
Implementation Mechanisms:
Maintain standards and criteria in the LDC to implement this policy.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 8(Exh. F), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 17-12 , § 3, 5-23-17; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)