Objective 5.3.1. - Coordinated Land Use/Transportation.  

Latest version.
  • Coordination of Future Land Uses with Traffic Circulation Systems.

    Policy Generally limit the location of land uses which serve as central destinations, or major trip attractors, to points of convergence (intersections) on the roadway network, or to areas characterized by and containing major points of convergence of roadways.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Implementation of Objectives 2.10.2 and 2.10.3.


    Review of proposed trip attractors for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Encourage the location of industrial land uses at locations which are served by major roadways, rail, or are readily accessible to Port Manatee or the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, and which are otherwise compatible with other adjacent land uses.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Future Land Use map consistent with this Policy.

    Policy Generally limit the use of the RES-9, RES-12, RES-16, and OM future land use categories on vacant land to locations that are adjacent to the roadways shown on the Future Traffic Circulation: Functional Classification Map (Map 5-B) as collector or higher.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Review of all proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Limit the use of the ROR and MU future land use categories on vacant land to locations which are adjacent to roadways shown on the Future Traffic Circulation: Functional Classification Map (Map 5B) as arterial or higher or are adjacent to lands already designated the same ROR or MU future land use category which are adjacent to roadways shown as arterial or higher.

    Policy Reserved.

    Policy Ensure that land uses and project designs are consistent with the proper functioning of the FDOT State highway system by requiring FDOT comment on all development order applications requesting access onto the State highway system, and by requiring appropriate limitations on project access.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with FDOT to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Fund, where expenditures are approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the improvement of State roadways shown on the Capital Projects List, (Table 10-1). This funding may address part of or all costs associated with required improvements.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)