Objective 5.3.2. - Natural Resource Considerations.  

Latest version.
  • Ensure that all transportation improvements are conducted in a manner which minimizes adverse impact on important natural resources.

    Policy Coordinate with FDOT to ensure that the alignment of any new expressway located within Manatee County during implementation of the FDOT Short Range Strategic Transportation Plan, or subsequent update of part or all thereof, is located (to the maximum extent practicable) outside of the Watershed Overlay District shown on the Future Land Use Map. Furthermore, to encourage FDOT's consideration of access limitations and other design factors to ensure minimal impact on those watershed areas, if alignment within the watersheds is being pursued over Manatee County's objections.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with FDOT and the Sarasota-Manatee MPO to implement this policy.

    Policy Require that all roadway improvements for which design will discharge stormwater directly to the Lake Evers or Lake Manatee Reservoirs, or to the Peace River, or discharge into any inflowing watercourse, in the Watershed Overlay District include an additional level of stormwater treatment equal to fifty (50) percent of the treatment criteria specified in Rule 62-25.035(1)(b), F.A.C. (i.e., treatment pursuant to Outstanding Florida Water Criteria is required).

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with FDOT and the Sarasota-Manatee MPO to implement this policy.

    Policy Locate and design roadway and mass transit rights-of-way, and improvements therein, to reduce the acreage of adversely altered jurisdictional wetland areas, minimize direct and indirect impacts on rivers, lakes, and streams, and minimize adverse impact on endangered and threatened species, and on species of special concern.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of proposed public and private roadway projects for compliance with this policy, and coordination with state and federal jurisdictional agencies as necessary.

    Policy Limit the number, and generalized location of arterials and expressways within the Watershed Overlay District to those shown on the Future Traffic Circulation: Functional Classification Map, (Map 5-B) and consider the location of additional collectors only, limiting any additional collectors to those which reduce the number of lane miles of local and other streets necessary to maintain adopted levels of service and access to developable property.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of proposed public and private roadway projects for compliance with this policy.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)