Objective 5.4.1. - Bicycle Facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Provision of a safe and convenient bikeways system and adequate bicycle facilities. (See also Objective 5.3.3 and associated policies)

    Policy Encourage the use of bicycles as an alternative mode of transportation by incorporating bikeways and other bicycle facilities design in all new large scale multi use, mixed use, and planned developments, and ensuring connection to all adjacent existing bicycle facilities and planned future bicycle facilities.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Implementation of land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., to provide for integrated bicycle facilities into project design.

    Policy Coordinate provision of bikeways and bicycle facilities with the provision of recreational bike trails within the Manatee County park system, subject to the availability of appropriate revenues, to encourage development and continuity of a safe and convenient bicycle circulation system. (see Recreation and Open Space Element for performance standards)

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination of capital improvements projects and facilities improvement projects among County departments to achieve compliance with this policy.

    Policy Require, where feasible, the inclusion of either:


    A minimum of five-foot paved shoulders on both sides of rural section roadways;


    A minimum of four-foot wide bicycle lanes on both sides of urban section roadways in all roadway improvement projects involving major widening or new construction of roadways shown on the Major Thoroughfare Map required by Policy for use by bicycles; or


    Wherever bicycle lanes are not feasible, alternative routes shall be provided in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guide for the development of bicycle facilities, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) bicycle facilities planning and design handbook.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Inclusion of alternative roadway sections implementing this policy in typical roadway sections required by Policy

    Policy Coordinate bicycle facilities with transit route locations and transit stops to encourage bicycle and transit as an alternate mode of travel.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination among departments to implement this policy.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)