Objective 5.4.2. - Pedestrian Facilities.

Latest version.
  • Provide a safe and convenient pedestrian circulation system. (See also Objective 5.3.3 and associated policies)

    Policy Require the inclusion of pedestrianways in all typical urban roadway sections developed pursuant to Policy above. Particular attention shall be given to achieving pedestrian/transit intermodal travel.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Inclusion of pedestrian ways in all typical urban roadway sections.

    Policy Encourage the use of pedestrianways, preferably separated from, and independent of, vehicular roadways within the design of residential, recreational, and nonresidential developments to serve as quality-enhancing design features, and to facilitate pedestrian movement within and between projects. (see also Objective 2.9.3)

    Policy Update by 2020 the pedestrian ways plan which gives priority to the development of pedestrian ways near schools, and is also consistent with transit route locations and transit stops to improve pedestrian access to transit, to encourage pedestrian and transit intermodal travel. Priority consideration of pedestrian way development shall be within a one thousand five hundred (1,500) foot radius of transit stops, existing and proposed school locations.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with the Sarasota-Manatee MPO to implement this policy.

    Policy Coordinate Manatee County School District's safe route(s) to school sidewalk plan(s) for each of its new elementary and middle schools and, elimination-of-hazardous-walking-conditions sidewalk plans for existing schools.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination with the Manatee County School District concerning sidewalks per the interlocal agreement to ensure policy compliance.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)