Objective 5.5.1. - Interagency Coordination.
Coordinated transportation planning with local, state, regional, and federal agencies.
Policy Develop and maintain a Future Traffic Circulation Map Series which is highly consistent with the MPO's long-range transportation plan, and provide input to the MPO to encourage the recognition of Manatee County's needs on the MPO's plan.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination with the Sarasota-Manatee MPO to ensure policy compliance.
Policy Coordinate Manatee County's five-year capital improvement program for transportation projects with the Florida Department of Transportation's five-year transportation improvement program.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination with the Sarasota-Manatee MPO.
Policy On an annual basis, provide to the Florida Department of Transportation a listing of those state roadways for which level of service has, or is projected to decline in the next five (5) years below adopted Level of Service standards. Also, to coordinate with the Sarasota-Manatee MPO and FDOT so as to establish increased priorities for construction of improvements to such roadways based on reduced right-of-way costs facilitated by Manatee County's right-of-way protection or reservation ordinances.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination with FDOT and the MPO consistent with this policy.
Policy Utilize the prioritization criteria (level of service criteria) contained in the Capital Improvements Element of this Comprehensive Plan to assist in the ranking of necessary transportation improvements to be accomplished by Manatee County, other adjacent local governments, FDOT, and federal agencies, and provide these agencies with input and background analysis (where appropriate), on Manatee County's priorities for improvements within the County on state or federal facilities. Nothing in this policy shall preclude the implementation of other prioritization criteria in association with criteria referred to in this policy.
Implementation Mechanism:
Notification of applicable local, state, and federal agencies of priorities for transportation improvements each fiscal year.
Policy Consider, and encourage (where appropriate) toll facilities, particularly where state funding can be obtained, and particularly where at least one-half (½) of the cost of funding any such facility can be financed from net toll revenues (see also FDOT Short Range Strategic Transportation Plan).
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 9(Exh. G), 8-23-18)