Objective 5.6.5. - Coordination of Land Use, Transit and Alternative Modes Planning.
A pattern of land uses conducive to an efficient and cost effective transit and alternative modes systems.
Policy Require that Manatee County Area Transit utilize the Comprehensive Plan database of:
• Existing land uses by square mile.
• Future land uses by appropriate geographic areas.
• Any "growth tracking" system implemented to monitor and evaluate the magnitude and characteristics of new development or redevelopment to evaluate potential transit demand as one input into transit route structuring, and other studies for increasing efficiency of the transit systems.
Policy Expand transit service using the Transit Service Area Map as a guide to developing future transit routes and service areas.
• Delineates existing transit service areas, as well as areas near these service areas, that will have high residential densities.
• Shows geographical connections between major trip attractors and major trip generators.
• Specifies areas suitable for terminals and transfer points.
Policy Provide transit and alternative modes service to unserved areas where efficient and feasible, continue to review feasibility to serve Port Manatee and commercial aviation facilities. (Refer to Objective 5.6.6)
Implementation Mechanism:
Manatee County Area Transit action to ensure policy compliance.
Policy Determine the feasibility and time frame for developing alternative transportation options to the single occupant automobile. These actions shall include review of an express bus system and routes, including park-n-ride locations and facilities, and alternative modes within low density residential areas and employment, commerce, recreational, and industrial centers of Manatee County. (See also Objectives 5.6.5, 5.6.6, 5.6.7 and associated Policies.)
Implementation Mechanism:
Manatee County Planning Department, Community Services Department (Transit Division), Public Works Department coordination to implement this Policy.
Policy Require that attractive, well-designed internal transit stop facilities be provided within nonresidential development of greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet and for residential development of one hundred (100) dwelling units or more and for neotraditional and mixed use development projects. Such internal transit stops shall include provision of pedestrian and bicycle shelter facilities consistent with the design standards listed in Policy The Transit Division may waive this requirement when safe, accessible and adequate transit stop facilities exist within the surrounding area for the existing and projected population.
Implementation Mechanism:
Land development regulations developed pursuant to § 163.3202, F.S., and consistent with this policy.