Objective 5.6.6. - Transit as an Attractive, Convenient Alternative to Single Occupancy Vehicles.
Reduce traffic congestion along constrained transportation corridors, intersections and downtown areas, promote economic development through provision of convenient and accessible transit linking employees with employment centers, and reduce pollution through integration of the walking, bicycling and transit systems.
Policy Explore funding options to improve transit availability by implementing strategies identified in the Public Transit System Analysis. Such strategies may include:
• Decreasing bus headways to thirty (30) minutes or less on U.S. 41 and major east-west routes;
• Increasing service frequency during rush hours;
• Expanding service hours;
• Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along U.S. 41;
• Signal priority at congested intersections; and
• Local circulator busses to serve residential areas and employment and commercial centers.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination between MPO, MCAT, Planning, and Public Works Departments.
Policy Increase the attractiveness of transit as a transportation alternative by providing well designed, safe, and attractive transit stops and transfer stations. Design considerations may include:
• Signature shelter design;
• Lighting conditions;
• Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
• Landscaping and Tree Canopy;
• Protection from the weather;
• Information kiosks at shelters displaying bus schedules and times;
• Waste receptacles;
• Designated smoking areas at transfer stations;
• Sidewalks connecting to bus stops and transfer stations;
• Bike racks;
• Use of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles;
• Setbacks from higher speed travel lanes;
• Accessibility to marked, signalized pedestrian cross walks;
• Co-location of shelters with commercial, educational, and employment centers; and
• Other pedestrian amenities which would increase attractiveness and convenience for transit users.
Implementation Mechanism:
MCAT to explore funding options.
Policy By 2012, conduct study regarding the feasibility of implementing transit-oriented design.
Implementation Mechanism:
MCAT, MPO and Planning Department coordinate with all appropriate jurisdictions and agencies.