Objective 6.1.1. - Private Sector Delivery.  

Latest version.
  • Maintain a flexible regulatory process which assist the private sector in the delivery of a variety of housing products.

    Policy Permit a variety of appropriate dwelling unit types and sizes in all residential future land use categories, subject to compliance with other goals, objectives, and policies of this Comprehensive Plan.

    Policy Permit consideration of mobile homes in all future land use categories allowing residential development on a variety of lot sizes, if compatible with surrounding development unless prohibited by Policy

    Policy Allow innovative and flexible land development regulations which permit a variety of lot configurations and sizes, promoting sensitive site development, subject to compliance with other goals, objectives, and policies of this Comprehensive Plan.

    Policy Provide for the development of vacant property and redevelopment of existing properties within the urban core area.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Incorporation of urban development criteria in the LDC.

    Policy Permit the use of innovative programs, design, planning, and construction methods which lower development costs while maintaining or increasing present standards.

    Policy Maintain effective and efficient development regulations and administrative procedures for the development review process to minimize delays in development order review.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 10(Exh. H), 8-23-18)