Objective 6.1.2. - Special Needs Populations.
Increase housing opportunities for Group Homes, Transitional Living Facilities, and Foster Care Facilities to address the Special Needs Populations which include; elderly, rural farmworkers, homeless, and the physically, and intellectually disabled.
Policy Continue data collection to properly understand the housing market and obstacles to housing for special needs populations.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Coordination among County departments regarding data collection and sharing.
Review and use of data from the University of Florida's Shimberg Center regarding special needs housing populations.
Policy Promote public/private partnerships to address housing needs.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination with local municipalities, non-profits, private developers, financial institutions, and others to promote the construction of more diverse housing choices.
Policy Regulate the development of residences (group homes, transitional living facilities, and foster care facilities) for special needs populations to promote compatibility and avoid concentration of these facilities within individual neighborhoods.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Maintain criteria within the Land Development Regulations which:
Utilize equivalent residential unit to ensure compliance with the density limitations of the future land use category;
Permit consideration of special needs facilities in all residential future land use categories;
Utilize criteria to direct location of facilities in regards to size. Such criteria may include, but not be limited to preferred locations for more intensive facilities within areas which allow neighborhood commercial development; and
Utilize various mitigation techniques (including buffers, screening, limited signage) to ensure compatibility.
Policy Provide safeguards to ensure that rural farmworker housing needs are addressed.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Maintain Land Development Regulations which:
Define farmworker housing;
Establish farmworker housing as a permitted use in certain zoning districts;
Establishes minimum yards and buffers;
Establishes maximum density requirements in excess of the maximum density shown on the Future Land Use Map; and
Establishes provisions to ensure that adequate sewage disposal and water supply systems are provided in compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations.
Coordination with the Florida Department of Health.
Policy Provide opportunity for the development of permanent supportive housing.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Allow emergency housing in some zoning districts.
Policy Continue to address the needs of the chronically homeless in Manatee County.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordinate with non-profits, jurisdictions and other public and private agencies to address this issue.
Policy Encourage the development of special needs housing which supports the appropriate level of independence for the user.
(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 10(Exh. H), 8-23-18)