Objective 6.1.3. - Affordable Housing.  

Latest version.
  • Continue to develop and implement programs to meet affordable housing needs.

    Policy Continue data collection to properly understand the housing needs of the County's population.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Coordination among departments regarding data collection and sharing.


    Review and use of data from the University of Florida's Shimberg Center regarding affordable housing populations.

    Policy Continue the development of programs which expand opportunities for the private (for profit and non-profit) sector to develop affordable housing.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Consider the allowance of affordable accessory dwelling units within single family Future Land Use categories consistent with § 163.31771, F.S.


    Encourage the development of non-profits that focus on the provision of fair, affordable housing.


    Consider target housing goals to increase the development of housing options for special needs populations.

    Policy Provide government incentives, contributions and technical assistance to the private sector and community based non-profit organizations to aid in the development of affordable housing.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Use or transfer of government owned property to encourage affordable housing development.


    Establishment of a fee waiver/reimbursement program.


    Transfer of development rights.


    Coordination with developers, financial institutions, non-profits and others to ensure the provision of housing that is affordable to workers and other residents in the County.


    Fast-tracking through necessary permitting procedures.

    Policy Encourage the development of a variety of dwelling units of varying cost or rent within a single development.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Use of incentives and available funding sources to encourage mixed income developments.


    Enact land use restriction agreements to ensure policy compliance.

    Policy Maintain a density bonus system which allows density bonuses for affordable housing.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    The Future Land Use Element shall establish the maximum densities and the Land Development Code shall maintain review mechanisms to implement this policy.

    Policy Adopt performance standards for affordable housing which include consideration of the following standards:


    Transit-oriented design principles applicable to affordable living, where appropriate.


    Highest allowable density.


    Location within / 4 mile of a MCAT bus route.


    Location of nearby employment centers, shopping and services.


    Utilization of reduced vehicle parking spaces and ratios.


    Quality public open space.


    Utilization of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) site design techniques.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Revisions to the Land Development Regulations to implement performance standards for affordable housing.


    Consider the development of an architectural pattern book to guide quality, affordable housing design.

    Policy Maintain the Affordable Housing Trust Fund for receipt of non-ad valorem revenues to encourage the continuation of affordable housing programs.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Seek, where feasible, new revenue sources.

    Policy Require public and private development which eliminates affordable housing stock to replace such units with equivalent units or provide support to local affordable housing initiatives. [See also the Land Development Code]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Execution of land use development agreements by the BOCC or their designee.

    Policy Continue to promote appropriate redevelopment activities in the Urban Infill and Redevelopment Area (UIRA) and other appropriate areas of the County (also see Objective 2.9.1).

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Implementation of UIRA plans and other appropriate area, neighborhood and corridor plans.

    Policy Continue to develop educational programs designed to increase public awareness and understanding of affordable and workforce housing.

    Policy Encourage a vertical mix of uses by providing incentives for developments that include affordable housing along designated urban corridors, subject to compliance with other goals, objectives, and policies of this Comprehensive Plan.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 10(Exh. H), 8-23-18)