Objective 7.1.3. - Archaeological Sites.  

Latest version.
  • Preserve and protect significant archaeological sites from incompatible development to increase understanding of the settlement of the County.

    Policy Require that all land development applications requiring site plan, or subdivision plat review address the occurrence or potential occurrence of historical and archaeological resources within their property boundaries.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Developer provision of information in the development application regarding evidence from all sources of any on-site historical or archaeological resources. The general location of all identified historical resources shall be shown on all appropriate site plan, and conditions for the protection of such resources shall be included within the Development Order.


    Planning Department determination of whether a land development application is within a known area of historical or archaeological sensitivity as indicated by the 1990 Archaeological Site Probability Map or by the HR Overlay District of the Future Land Use Map or the HA zoning district overlay of the Official Zoning Atlas or other applicable information or professional evaluation.


    By 2010, Planning Department update of the 1990 Archaeological Site Probability Map.

    Policy Prohibit the destruction and/or disturbance of any significant historical or archaeological resource site except to allow data recovery or archaeological excavation activities approved by the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    All identified significant historical resources will be shown on final site development plans and conditions will be contained within the Development Order which will ensure the continued protection of such resources.


    Historic Preservation Board review of all requests for projects which have significant impacts upon historical and archaeological sites and artifacts that lie within a project site to provide for the mitigation of adverse impacts upon them.

    Policy Require the temporary suspension of land development or alteration activities when sites of potential archaeological significance are uncovered. Where such resources are deemed significant, require the implementation of appropriate action to preserve the value of these resources.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Planning Department notification by the Developer upon discovery of potential sites.


    Developer coordination with the Planning Department, Department of State, Division of Historical Resources and the Historic Preservation Board to determine what actions will be taken to achieve policy compliance in an expeditious manner.

    Policy Limit the distribution of specific locational information concerning privately owned and unprotected archaeological resources.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Planning Department will not advertise specific locations of archaeological sites. All requests for detailed locational information will be referred to the Department of State, Division of Historical Resources.

    Policy Prepare and maintain a County-wide inventory of significant archaeological sites (See Policy

    Policy Assist private property owners of significant archaeological sites in applying for and utilizing State and Federal assistance programs.

    Policy Explore incentives such as the use of conservation easements, to encourage the preservation of archaeological landmarks.