Objective 8.1.1. - Level of Service.  

Latest version.
  • Maintain a park and recreation system consistent with the following level of service standards and with the performance measures contained in Table 8-1 (located at the end of this element).

    Policy Provide for parks according to the following park facilities infrastructure standard:


    One (1) local park per ten thousand (10,000) residents.


    One (1) district park per one hundred thousand (100,000) residents.


    One (1) regional park per five hundred thousand (500,000) residents where residents are calculated for unincorporated Manatee County.

    Policy Locate new local parks where they are needed.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    New local parks shall be located in deficient impact fee areas as identified on Map 8-A (located at the end of this element) and spaced three (3) miles, whenever possible, from existing parks.

    Policy Provide new, renewal, and replacement recreational facilities to meet or maintain adopted performance measures as funding becomes available (see also Policies and

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Parks and Recreation Department priority consideration of deficient public recreation facilities, and require renewal or replacement when upgrading existing parks or developing new parks, based on Table 8-1.


    Parks and Recreation Department application, where appropriate, for any grants or other revenues to assist in achieving or maintaining adopted performance measures.