Objective 8.1.2. - Provision of Public Parks.
Ensure funding and coordination with appropriate agencies for adequate parks provision to ensure that parks are provided which serve area users in the most economical way.
Policy Commit financial resources, as necessary, to fund the development and maintenance of recreational facilities.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Commit local government financial resources to provide additional revenues (i.e., those not provided by impact fees) necessary to fund the development and maintenance of recreational facilities needed to meet the parks level of service standards contained within this objective.
Parks and Recreation Department identify and utilize grants from state and federal sources to help fund parks and parks equipment to meet adopted level of service standards.
Manatee County partner with municipalities as appropriate to provide, maintain, and upgrade County-maintained recreational facilities inside or serving municipalities.
Policy Continue coordination with the Manatee County School Board regarding joint use of facilities, maintenance, and site acquisition/facilities planning for development and improvement of parks in Manatee County.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Continued coordination of facility planning activities between the Planning Department and the Manatee County School Board to utilize existing and future school sites for parks.
Coordination between the Planning Department and the Manatee County School Board to identify existing school sites which have the potential to be improved to local or district park status. The Parks and Recreation Department will work towards upgrading such sites to meet local neighborhood needs. (See also policies and objectives under Goal 2.13.)
Use of the adopted Park Conceptual Site Plans to guide land acquisition decisions and park development.
Policy Conduct a needs assessment study by 2008 to determine what facilities and programs are needed to meet the changing recreational needs of residents of the County and to determine if the current level of service standards and performance measures adequately reflect the recreational needs of County residents. Funding needs and methods shall be included as part of the study.
Policy Adopt, as feasible, any recommendations from the needs assessment study which may require amendments to the existing Level of Service Standards. Performance Measures, or the Impact Fee Ordinance.
Policy Consider existing and planned park facilities and the need for recreational facilities when planning for greenway corridors.